The Free voters, the CSU want to animate too loose for Bayern. However, the Grand coalition partners and instead plays on time.

The Free voters seek relaxations in the Corona-crisis*. With the suggestions from flashing when a coalition partner CSU, however. In Opposition, the buzz is pursued with relish. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany*. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures*.

Munich – You know the difficult phases in the relationship: Even Silence can be painful. The CSU page in the government of the state is not responding well at all to the new demands of its coalition partner, to loosen the Corona restrictions and the mask of duty. No comment, means it is friendly to the state Chancellery. A glance at the calendar shows that a meeting is scheduled, there will be no Cabinet session this week, the Protest of the Free voters to drip off.

This is an unusual process. Via press release FW-group-in-chief Florian Streibl on Sunday, a had complained of “unequal treatment” of tourism by Bavaria’s policy. He demanded, at the latest, corpus Christi, 11. June, to open in frontier hotel, the Spa facilities and in the trade the mask duty* to suspend. There is a “justice gap” compared with abroad, the need to “close quickly”. It was “high time” for the return of freedom and self-responsibility .

+ Calls for an end to the “unequal treatment” of tourism: FW-group-in-chief Florian Streibl would have opened the Spa facilities in this hotel again.©dpa / Armin Weigel

Free voters are demanding relaxations, But CSU doesn’t want new resolutions before the age of 16. June

Formally responsible, the state government would, as a collective, the Council of Ministers has decided on the applicable orders until mid-June , with the voices of the three Free-voters-the Minister, of whom Hubert Aiwanger is also for the economy and tourism. If the Cabinet is not in session this week, that means: Streibls claim runs into the Void.

Only for Tuesday, December 16. June, is expected Loosening the decisions in Bavaria . Then the contact limits* generous be well , perhaps, also talked about Streibls wishes and about whether or not the ending a formal state of disaster if in June.

Free voters are demanding relaxations: CSU annoyed by the public initiatives of the coalition partners

The Silence is not covered, that the mood in the once harmonious Alliance of CSU and the Free voters . In the case of the Prime Minister, Markus Söder, and many of his party friends of the Anger about the daily public forays of the Free voters is growing . “It sucks,” it says, and is neither constructive nor good style. For weeks, the small Partner tried to drive the large with the Easing and reform ideas in front of it. Sometimes there are small ideas, such as the border near the Sauna, sometimes larger.

beginning of the week To the Streibl troupe presented your nearly 70-page program “Lessons of Corona” , which shows that everything needs to be in Bavaria is somehow better: hospitals Finance better, nursing higher pay, Medicinal produce in Germany and before rates, a lot of well-Known.

+ and let the voters Free not drive: Prime Minister Markus Söder familiar with Corona-decisions of an expert Council.©AFP / JOHN MACDOUGALL

Free Wäher call for relaxations: Söders of three Council let “the necessary transparency

Spicy, however, are two leg kicks Seemed to go against Söder . The FW-group alleges the practice of the three-Council (including Church Ms. Susanne Breit-Keßler), the Söder in fundamental rights advises: Unfortunately, this body let “the mandatory required transparency miss”, is in the concept, to be presented on Tuesday. In addition, the round must be placed in the broad and interdisciplinary. Secondly, the Free voters, are demanding that no more Söder is allowed to decide on the current Corona-measures , but the state legislature “as the democratically legitimized legislative body”.

For Monday is now recognized a Meeting of the coalition Committee in Bavaria, where conciliation or words of Power would be possible. The Opposition looks at the debate, meanwhile, amused. “The Free voters are still looking for a role, and fighting desperately for attention ,” said the FDP parliamentary leader Martin Hagen. “That Söder Aiwanger is not serious, you can not make him a reproach.”

About the developments in Bavaria during the Corona-crisis, we report in our News Ticker.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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