, The Couple of Sebastian and Angelina Pannek, both of which are not formerly married to a candidate in the RTL Show “The Bachelor”, only fresh. You also expect shortly to your child. But in advance of you are very critical, as you want to on the Internet deal.

NRW/ Dortmund – Three years ago, that Sebastian Pannek from Bönen (North Rhine-Westphalia) has to be searched for in the vicinity of Dortmund in the seventh season of “The Bachelor” on RTL his dream woman. Spoiler: The great love, the 33 has not found a-Year-old there. But only a few years later, Sebastian Pannek announced that there is a new woman at his side, the media, foreign, reported wa.de*.

It-Girl, a Participant in the Bachelor’s program, and further Show Angelina Heger is in the Public home. She has also participated in the “Bachelor”, but you could not find your dream man at the RTL-Show. Until she met Sebastian Pannek. The two announced in July 2019 public their relationship. Another happy customer does not have to wait long, because already in December, the next Hammer comes news: The Couple is expecting a Baby – or more specifically a son.

Although the fan base can track the course of your pregnancy on Angelina Panneks Instagram profile, but now Sebastian Pannek comments on photos of your young on the Internet: “The play on Instagram no role to play in the TV not matter, and otherwise in any media as he is left completely out of it.” A clear line, which departs from the “Bachelor”Couple. However, the Pair of the two participants on “the Bachelor” are aware that you will be able to reap criticism. Our colleagues from wa.de reports, such as the celebrity couple, Sebastian and Angelina Pannek from “the Bachelor” react to it and what you think of the Baby a secret.

*wa.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.