Fierce scene in the ARD Talk show “hart Aber fair”: Moderator Frank Plasberg took a guest to the chest. Afterwards, he apologized for it.

Also on Monday evening was “tough but fair”(ARD) to Coronavirus and its consequences. After several Corona-outbreaks in German battle stations discussed Frank Plasberg with his guests about the Hyienebedingungen in these facilities. The guests were, among other things, Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil and Green party Chairman Robert Habeck .

Update from the 9. June, 11: 30 a.m.: On Monday night, discussed, Frank Plasberg at “tough but fair” with his guests about the animals in German slaughterhouses, especially in the current Corona-crisis in the foreground, and the Public were.

“when, if not now, one should have the power to draw fundamental consequences?”, the Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil on Monday night asked. It is a matter of occupational safety, health protection, “decent wages” and working conditions. “And since we have a Problem in Germany – and there is no point in squinting the eyes,” says healing.

The predicament illustrated in the case of “hard but fair”-Reporter Manfred Goetke , the researched about the circumstances in the Corona the slaughterhouse Coesfeld and Romanian workers a voice. “Which have not yet been supplied with food,” he said. “Who has money, gets to eat. Who has no money, is nothing.“

1100-1200 euros gross for 60 to 70 hours a week, the worker would receive. This would, however, still deductions for your bed, trips, and work clothes.

“hard but fair”: Hubertus Heil with sharp demand – “have to get to the root of the Evil ran”

Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil announced that sharper controls should be. That this had not yet been possible, location of the nested construction by Sub-contractors.

“We will now check with customs and with the labour protection authorities, massive, that the existing rules are complied with. But we have to get to the root of the Evil,” he announced, and leads to the fort, “and that is, this construction, in which someone is profiting. It is so, that these Sub-Sub-sub-contractors, always have someone holding the Hand and the exploitation of human beings enriched.“

However, it was announced that an ARD legend is suffering from a bad disease: Fritz Pleitgen has pancreatic cancer and was already in surgery.

“hard but fair”: Plasberg, the collar bursts – he will personally: “don’t want you bad”

Update 22: 20: , the German television viewers Frank Plasberg Know especially as a Moderator who understands it well, his conversation to keep guests in check, and to see these not infrequently, hard but also fair on the mouth, so you got on Monday evening at the “tough but fair” another Frank Plasberg .

In the first 20 minutes it looked as if the other participants in the discussion on Heiner Manten injected, which was a proxy for the meat industry . Also, the Reporter Manfred Götzke from Germany radio confronted Manten with its Reports on the poor conditions under which guest workers are housed in the meat industry.

“hart Aber fair” with Frank Plasberg with emotional appeal – “you Talk for yourself and your family”

Manten responded to the accusations of the reporter with multiple questions, which was reason enough for Plasberg, to get in between them. The presenter came to his guest very close and talked a lot. “Mr. Manten now among us. I appreciate them very much, they are from the lower Rhine, such as my wife. I don’t want that to be a Tribunal. You can talk to the meat industry, and if you do so a talk show , it often happens that you get a PR Agency, you will be coached,“ the analysis of Plasberg.

the Moderator , personally, was: “Forget everything that you have told to the colleagues, but they talk for themselves, as an honest German businessman, then you are driving well. I don’t want you feel bad. I know that you are a good guy. You speak for yourself and your family, then you speak well.“

“Hard but Fair”: Plasberg forget in the case of emotional speech, even distance rules “Was my Heart’s wish”

Emotional and honest words of Plasberg , the Moderator , apparently, so important, he had forgotten completely the distance rules , which apply because of the Corona-crisis in ARD-Studio . “I am just come to a close, it was me, but from the Heart,” apologized Plasberg and stepped back a large step. “Excuse me. In Corona-times you need to go away.“ Heiner Manten, the rail according to the address of Plasberg visibly relieved, replied with a Smile: “I hope you are not infected”, and then answered the initial question.

“Hard but fair”: the slaughterhouses as foci of infection in the Corona-crisis – Robert Habeck guest

original message from 8. June:

Berlin – on Monday evening, Moderator Frank Plasberg again, an illustrious round, in the his Show “tough but fair ” invited to discuss the dominant issue of the past few months. Even if the infection numbers in Germany in the last few weeks on the decline, is not the Corona-crisis according to the experts, is far from over. Just the threat of a second wave of infections, which could meet Germany, prevented for the time being, a collective sigh of Relief.

“Hard but fair” (ARD): the slaughterhouses in times of Corona – rich hygiene measures

The Trend of the last few weeks, however, also shows the infections with the new Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 occur more frequently within Church communities, or Operated in greater numbers. Just the repeated infections of slaughterhouse employees in Germany, the social debate to the fires health conditions in these institutions. This debate brings Frank Plasberg in today’s edition of “tough but fair” in the ARD -Studio. Under the lurid title of “Corona in the slaughterhouse: Are us humans and the animals sausage?”, the Moderator discussed with his guests about the grievances of the meat industry , which were placed by the Coronavirus once again, more clearly open, and the possibilities for action of the legislator and the consumers.

“Hard but fair” (ARD): These guests will discuss with Moderator Frank Plasberg

this is certainly controversy the topic has invited Frank Plasberg a wide round of guests. To tonight a guest at “tough but fair” :

Hubertus Heil (SPD), Federal Minister for labour and social Affairs, Robert Habeck (Bündnis 90/ die Grünen), party Chairman Anette Dowideit, a senior reporter on the investigative team in the world, a book author Max Straubinger (CSU), MdB, member of Committee for food and agriculture, Heiner Manten, Chairman of the German meat industry (VDF) Manfred Götzke, A Reporter in the Berlin Studio of the German radio station Deutschlandfunk

interested viewers can look forward to on Monday evening from 21.00 o’clock on a discussion that promises plenty of explosive action.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.
