In Wasserburg am Inn (district of Rosenheim) has occurred a terrible traffic accident with a Truck. A woman from Fürstenfeldbruck was killed.

came To a terrible accident in water castle on Inn . A woman from Fürstenfeldbruck was killed. The incident is a mystery – the investigation was going.

water castle on Inn / Fürstenfeldbruck – The accident has the afternoon on Wednesday (10. June) at the Munich street in water castle happened. What exactly happened is now the subject of the investigation.

but a load driver (54) car from the municipality of Maitenbeth his followers before in a bulge in front of the entrance to the town had been parked. Against 14 clock, he came back with the Truck to the trailer to this for the next journey to take. He was and hooked the trailer to his vehicle. Subsequently, the 54 is a threaded-Year-old is back in the running traffic .

Terrible accident in water castle at the Inn: a pedestrian device trucks-trailer

in the Meantime, a 71-year-old woman from Fürstenfeldbruck , who was on foot came from so far unexplained cause, under the trailer , and was seriously injured. In spite of all the efforts of the first responders and the rescue service succumbed to the 71-Year-old little injured and later in the hospital .

in addition to numerous use – and rescue services a reviewer was in the order of the public Prosecutor of the accident. In the context of the accident and the investigation on the spot, it came in the area of Gabersee to traffic . The fire Department rerouted in the meantime, the traffic.

The message of the police in the wording:

“Any help came too late for a 71-year-old woman from Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany on Friday afternoon in Wasserburg am Inn. She fell under the trailer of a Truck and died a little later in the hospital. Officials of the police inspection, the water castle at the Inn took up the investigation of the tragic accident. On Wednesday afternoon, 10.06.2020 against 14:30 clock, happened at the Munich road, in the water castle, approximately at the level of the district Gabersee, a tragic accident. A 54-year-old Truck driver from the municipality of Maitenbeth left his followers in a recess in front of the places of entrance of water, castle and drove then to the city centre. Around 14:00, he came back with the Truck to the trailer to this for the next journey to take. He was and hooked the trailer to his Truck. Then he drove out of the bulge in the flow of traffic. In the meantime, a 71-year-old woman from Fürstenfeldbruck was previously unknown cause under the trailer and has a life-threatening injury. In spite of all the efforts of the first responders and the ambulance service succumbed to the 71-Year-old a little later of their severe injuries in the hospital. In addition to numerous emergency and rescue forces, a reviewer was in the order of the public Prosecutor of the accident. In the context of the accident and the investigation on the spot, it came in the area of Gabersee to traffic. The fire Department rerouted in the meantime, the traffic. How it came to the tragic accident, is now part of the further investigations carried out by the police inspection, the water castle.“

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