For years, asylum-simmering dispute between the EU member States. Now could be the thing. In the view point of an old advance of Horst Seehofer is.

For years, the EU is arguing about the distribution of Refugees to the member States. Now, shortly before the German presidency of the EU, could movement in the deadlocked dispute. The EU Commission sends first signals and based on a proposal of Horst Seehofer.

Brussels/Berlin – The Corona-crisis had recently displaced almost everything else from the agenda. Now, pandemic-fighting picks up, but so slowly back to the political life of off – and the EU actually want to bring an old topic of debate to a solution: It comes to dealing with the asylum and Migration in the Union.

just before the Start of the German EU-presidency the movement comes in the process of restructuring and adaptation. The first alliances are somewhat surprising way. On Thursday, the EU Commission sent out the first signals. Shortly before, Ute Vogt , domestic policy expert of the SPD, an announcement from Brussels had called for. “We can’t continue like this. Dublin has failed,“ she said a few hours earlier, the German newspaper Handelsblatt.

asylum-armed: Of the Leyens Vice supports now Seehofer-Plan – New Plan for the EU’s external borders?

So the Commission is trying to push, apparently, as well as Germany in the planned asylum reform on the handling of protection at the EU search-to change the outside borders fundamentally. “From the Moment in which someone at the EU external border, something has to happen,” said Vice-President of the Commission, Margaritis Schinas now the ” Delphi Economic Forum “. This could not be just left to the entry into the EU countries.

The Federal government insists that the EU’s external borders, it is checked whether a Migrant is in need of protection. If not, he should be using the EU border protection Agency Frontex return to your home country brought. This would simplify due to decreasing Numbers of Entry is also the question of the distribution of the person entitled to Protection.

Also Schinas, in the EU-authority for the topic of Migration is responsible, explained: “We need a comprehensive structure, where from the first Moment, the EU agencies, and EU rules are responsible, so we quickly decide who is eligible for asylum and who is not”. The Dublin-rules , according to which most of those EU member state for an asylum application, on the ground of the protection seekers to the first European soil has entered, it would then no longer valid.

migration-Zoff in Europe: Is there a solution? Seehofer proposal is a back door for Hungary, and co.

The EU Commission wants to present this month their proposals for the long – awaited the asylum and migration reform , on which the EU member States and the European Parliament then could negotiate. The community of States, is not advancing the case for a long time. Sticking point is the question of how protection will be distributed at the end of the EU-States. Some countries like Hungary, Austria and Poland refuse absolutely to allow for the inclusion of people commit.

Actually, the negotiations could take some time. Much is still in motion, want to learn Handelsblatt from EU circles. At the same time, the German Commission President Ursula von der Leyen plan “a great success”.

interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) pushes his political retirement to a solution. Together with colleagues from France, Spain and Italy, he urged in April on a binding distribution key. The back door to let the Minister in her Letter to the Commission, but to be Frank: As an “exception” to be “other solidarity measures” possible. Seehofer had to leave in 2018, the issue of asylum within the Union and the Grand coalition, violently escalate.

asylum in the EU: the number of requests drops rapidly – the cause of the Corona-crisis

at Least for the Moment, is almost alone, the situation on the borders seems to be relatively relaxed: The number of asylum has fallen in the EU in April to 87 percent in comparison to the beginning of the year and the lowest level since 2008. The background of the measures to contain the Coronavirus , shared with the European Asylum office Easo, on Thursday. It only 8730 asylum applications were registered, the lowest value of the last twelve years.

It was not necessarily a long-term development, limited the authority. In front of the Corona-crisis were the numbers of persistently high for a resolution registered. The development is therefore rather a sign of the impact of the pandemic as an indication that the applications remove to international protection. It is good to rise is possible that the number of applications after the lifting of the Corona-measures.

The largest group of applicants would continue to be a Syrians and Afghans with a total of 28 per cent. The asylum applications of people from Venezuela and Colombia , the module in front of the Corona-crisis of the most important countries of origin are almost completely gone back to 99 or 98 percent. The report cites the Numbers of all the EU-countries , as well as Norway and Switzerland, but not Britain.

asylum and Migration in the EU: Amnesty reports of fierce Attacks by the Croatian border police

problems and conflicts in the EU’s external borders, however. The human rights organization Amnesty International accuses the a Croatian border police is a previously viewed level of brutality in dealing with refugees and migrants. People, the the “green” border from the neighbouring Bosnia come and be caught, would be so beaten and kicked, that they suffered frequently complicated bone fractures and serious wounds to the head, said Amnesty international on Thursday.

The organization is relying on the representations of 16 Pakistanis and Afghans who have been victims of abuse, as well as on the statements of Doctors in Bosnia, which they treated. In the past, irregular cross-border workers in Croatia are are and to Bosnia has been sent. With regard to recent violations by Amnesty, however, speaks of a massive escalation.

Before the outbreak of the Corona pandemic had also taken care of untenable conditions in the Greek-Turkish border for the negative headlines.
