No specific timetable, nor any figure, has been given. However, the american authorities and the iraqi jointly declared Thursday, June 11, that the United States would continue to reduce its military forces in Iraq, deployed to combat the group jihadist islamic State. “The two countries took note of the fact that, in the light of the significant progress made towards the eradication of the threat of EI, in the course of the next few months the United States would continue to reduce their forces in Iraq “, they said.

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No permanent presence

Washington will also ” discuss with the iraqi government on the status of remaining forces “, he specified. “The United States have reiterated that they do not seek or request permanent bases or a permanent military presence in Iraq,” according to a joint press release. “The iraqi government is committed to protect the military personnel from the international coalition against the EI”, as well as facilities in iraq which the house, in accordance with international law “.

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This declaration has been made after a “strategic dialogue” by videoconference (due to the Covid-19), aiming to bring a bit of stability in the stormy relations between the two allies. This is an update of the “dialogue” of 2008, when the United States had established the conditions of their departure after having invaded Iraq. Since then, their troops have returned, although fewer in number, compared to the AR. More than two and a half years after the “victory” on the jihadi side in iraq, thousands of american soldiers in the country (they were 5.200 beginning of the year) were again at the heart of the tensions.

The anti-american sentiment has indeed flamed out with the death in January of the general iranian Qassem Soleimani and his lieutenant in iraq, killed in Baghdad in a raid ordered by the president, the Trump, after the multiplication of rocket attacks against u.s. interests, charged by Washington with the forces pro-Iran. In the aftermath, the shiites deputies have voted the expulsion of foreign troops.

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A new Prime minister in Iraq

in Baghdad, a new Prime minister, however, arrived. The ex-intelligence chief Mustafa al-Kazimi, who is close to Us and its arab allies, has changed the situation. The man took the reins of a country in the midst of economic crisis and demands always do justice to the approximately 550 protesters have been killed in the suppression of a revolt new. If his predecessor Adel Abdel Mahdi has never managed to land an invitation to Washington, the new Prime minister already has her cardboard to the White House this year, ensure to Agence France-Presse two government officials.

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“there was a problem of trust with the former firm, that has changed,” says one of them. However, a drastic reduction in american troops seems highly unlikely as the threat of jihadist is still present, argue the other countries of the coalition. “Non-Us coalition will remain in Iraq only if the Americans remain,” said a diplomat at the Agency France-Presse other parties were not invited, but closely followed in the dialogue: the allies of Iran in Iraq.

Ahmed al-Assadi, a spokesman for their block (parliamentary leader of the vote of expulsion) has recently repeated to give six months for the Americans to leave. Again, Monday and Wednesday, two rockets have referred to soldiers and diplomats americans in Baghdad, as a reminder. The tone, however, is less aggressive. The brigades of Hezbollah faction pro-Iran as the most radical, have announced that they would give their position only after Thursday.

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