corona the A 94-residents a break from the highway noise had caused. The is gradually gaining momentum again. A family now has even a noise protection wall construction – financed out of his own pocket.

Buch am buchrain– the Corona-Pause the traffic on the car tracks again. This is also A 94-residents from Buch am buchrain feel. Eight months after the route is opened, you are still hoping for an improvement in their living situation.

Due to the Corona-crisis, have disappeared since mid – March, other important topics in the public focus as the end of September, A 94 opened. Currently their Concerns are not treated in the primary, but residents still live in close proximity to the highway. How is it Affected? We spoke with three residents from the book.

“The tops with the very fast noisy cars have become less”

especially the outer districts of hammer village, Loiperding, Herweg, Tannenhof and Ödenbach are affected. The A 94 leads over the direction of Dorfen, however, there is neither noise-reducing road surface other protection measures. According to the residents reports, that in February introduced a speed limit have improved the Situation slightly. “Actually, I had not expected but not that it brings something out of it,” Eva Menzinger from hammer village. Book CSU-Council Bernhard Blasi, also from hammer village, called the 120 km/h limit is a good start: “The tips with the very fast noisy cars are become less.”

Still more obvious changes, the Lockdown brought with the output constraints. “This has given us a calmer Phase. In part, it was almost like it used to“, reported Wolfgang Obermaier (44) who lives in Loiperding about 300 meters from the route. The Idyll, however, was only of short duration. Each Corona-easing’m also on the roads is noticeable, says Obermaier: “Every day with a discharge brings with it a new burden for us.”

the main problem are the trucks

Still the main problem were the Truck, which was, however, required no speed restriction. In the case of unfavorable location Obermaier hear the trucks to Lengdorf, respectively, Pastetten. “Actually, Tempo 60 would be for the truck well, but then you don’t need more freeways,” says Menzinger, who runs their horse farm in about 350 meters distance to A 94.

The 41-Year-old, your employees and guests, in particular, suffer from the noise level. “We all need to work out and can wear during the riding lessons with no hearing protection.” The riding lessons-in demand to take, but the duration of noise is a disturbing factor. For the horses, these environmental influences were not optimal, even if you get used to it, so Menzinger. Crossing the highway bridge flap, in the meantime, most of the time. Honking or racing vehicles, rafts, the animals still, the fear, the Bucherin.

Four meters high, 35 meters long, 20,000 euros is expensive

the upper maiers have become active. In-house they built on the West side of your property, a noise protection wall made of Erdabraum – four meters high and 35 meters long. In a few years you will look very green, ivy to grow on both sides up. The cost of 20 000 euros, the family carries private. Lightweight acoustic improvements in the garden or on the terrace obermaier and his wife Sandra will notice. Similarly, you want to build a mound and to the North a longer Garage, which will also intercept noise from the street.

still affects “quality of life” feels the family Blasi, who lives about 750 metres from the A 94, but they still strongly hear. The 32-year-old Blasi teases that Bucher Concerned had previously been in public meetings assured that in the inhabited areas of low-noise asphalt will be used. “You rely on it, and there is also the technical possibilities, but, unfortunately, was saved by us and not according to the current Standard built in,” said Blasi.

improvements to the road surface, or more noise protection necessary

The first data of the General Directorate of highways, it was clear that no defects had been discovered, it was not a surprise to the residents. “I had not believed that illegal was built,” says Menzinger. Also Obermaier sees the fault is not with the exporting company, but in politics and General Directorate of highways, for the plan documents.

That the announced noise measurements are moved to the reported time, welcome all. Similarly, you would not be happy in principle about an extension to the speed limits – but as the only measure. Improvements to the road surface, or more noise protection, you still see as necessary.

“If the subject falls asleep but totally, we need to be active again”

Obermaier has already been requested a replacement appointment with the district administrator Martin Bayer, storfer and MdL Ulrike Sharp, had failed in March due to Corona. “Let’s see what are your claims from before the election now,” says the 44-Year-old. Blasi would like to place the subject again in the municipal Council. Him to report progress and the other County municipalities are interested in. In addition, he would like to work together with a specialist who advises the municipality to noise development and protection.

most of The residents understand that while the Corona-crisis, the focus lay elsewhere. Some concern the economic Situation is Menzinger, however, and that due to the crisis a long time the progress of. She is still impressed by the appearance of the Prime Minister on your ranch and puts great hope in mark Söders then “positive signals”. You want to wait and see. “If the subject falls asleep but totally, we need to be active again.”

Markus Ostermaier