Equal to twice have been on the long weekend of German families in Austria, victims of Kuhattacken – at the same location and independently of each other.

Several German families on 12. June while Hiking in Austria, victims of cow-attacks become. A woman and a four years old child had to be brought for treatment in hospitals – also a rescue helicopter was in use. Explosive: The cases occurred within a few hours in the same pasture area. Already for a long time, farmers warn walkers.

Tannheim/Innsbruck – Explosive repeat of the events: Close to the Vilsalpsees in Tirol are on Friday (12. June) – part independently of each other – within a few hours several hikers from Germany of cows have been violated.

The incidents occurred in one and the same grazing area, as the Austrian police announced. Both times, families with children were affected. The hikers were on the long weekend after corpus Christi in the Tyrolean Alps close to the German border at Tannheim on-the-go.

Austria: cows attack German families – two cases independently from each other

For the first case, there was reported to be around 12: 30 p.m.: A Pair of crossed, with his two children, the grazing area, as a cow broke from the herd and pushed the woman to the ground. The attempt of her husband, to scare away the animal was unsuccessful, it said.

+ The Vilsalpsee near the German-Austrian border, here the hikers were injured.©Screenshot: Google Maps

The 37-year-old woman suffered according to the Tyrolean police injuries “undetermined level” – it was flown with a helicopter rescue in a clinic in the Bavarian town of Immenstadt .

Austria: Wanderer of cattle injured – a woman and a child had to be in clinic

Approximately one and a half hours later, two more from Germany experienced tribe with families that are similar. 50 meters from the gate a group of cows to be delivered to the people. A 48-year-old man and a four-year-old child were thrown from the animals to the ground.

The man was slightly injured – the child had to be brought in by rescue workers in the hospital Reutte close to the Austrian-German border . The degree of injury to the girl’s nothing was first known.

cow-attacks in Austria: incidents in the pasture area, with suckler cow husbandry

according to The figures, a total of 44 cattle in suckler cows are in the pasture area. The Area is completely fenced and is provided to the gates with warning Signs, emphasized the Tyrolean police in its communication.

The note from the previous cases of attacks by cows on people occur in the Alps again and again. As a hiker plunged to the attack of a cow in the summer of 2019-Pair in Austria, down a hillside, as Merkur.de* reported.

headlines had made – also in Austria – before a deadly attack on a hiker. Also in Bavaria, holidaymakers are warned with signs in front of the animals*.


*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.