47 years, the turtle Gretel in family Eiler lived in Holzkirchen. On a windy day, you büxte all of a sudden. Now the owners are desperately looking for your pet. And even promise a reward.

wooden churches – it goes with the Wind. On a very stormy day for the hungry’s moving too much easy, after 47 years of Loyalty. Barbara Eiler says to her husband: “Today you don’t need to connect the Gretel in the garden.” Because in this weather the turtle crawls normally prefer. But it is precisely on this fatal day at the end of may, everything is different. As Eiler comes back in the garden, the 80-Year-old it is hard to believe: “Suddenly, Gretel was no longer there.”

ever Since the splitter from the flower street, in the wooden churches are desperately looking for their old turtle. She’s disappeared without a trace. “Anyone who has seen our Gretel?”, ask Eiler.

The animal was a gift to the son – 47 years ago

As the son of a year old Gretel HajDenn is part of 47 years to the family. As Eilers son was a year old, gave it to his uncle to him, the African tortoise. As The Companions. “He later took good care of you,” says Eiler. Today, the son is 48 years old. Came as Gretel, the Eilers, she was not a young lady anymore. How old is she exactly, white, not a man. Is: “she’s ancient,” says your wife. This judgment had times like an expert.

As always, The whole family fell in love with the gray turtle. “We were all for Gretel there.” Every year between late October and April, the Gretel, in the winter sleep to withdraw used. To do this, a grub in the garden between soil, leaves and Mulch. “We have to look forward to this, if you woke up,” says Eiler.

As it health went the 80-Year-old is still better, she knelt often in addition to the Gretel on the ground and fed them with banana. “We have quite spoiled,” says Eiler. “And you already had a decent weight.”

withdrawal from consideration?

Why the Gretel ran off after all the lovely years just, can not explain Eiler easy. A bit offended she is. “We are very sad.” Maybe, as you suspected, the Gretel has not noticed that your wife may not be quite as fast as before. A withdrawal from consideration.

In any case, Eiler’s very Worried about your turtle. Because Gretel is completely blind. How to get the old girl out there only deal? All alone. You pull a long cord behind her. “Maybe she’s got stuck,” says Eiler. Your biggest fear: “not was, Hopefully, run it over Accidentally by a farmer in the high Grass,” hopes the wood kirchnerin. “I don’t know whether she’s still alive.” This uncertainty gnaws at her.

the phone number on the tank

But the hope dies last. The splitter that your Gretel shows up again soon. “We are really grateful for every note,” says the Elderly woman. She even promises a reward. The Gretel had a gray tank, was blind, and relatively large. How large, exactly, can describe Eiler bad.

Actually, the phone number of the divider to stand on Gretel’s tank. “The 66 24 we wrote with a good pen on it.” If the pet is lost. Meanwhile, the font is let but as a verb, that you can hardly read yet. The digits have disappeared after all these years – so how the Gretel itself.

anyone Who has seen Gretel, please get in touch with family Eiler under the number 0 80 24 / 66 24.