The Brandenburg AfD was provided by the local protection of the Constitution under observation. Now Alexander Gauland is not responding.

The AfD-Landesverband Brandenburg is now observation of the constitutional protection . The interior Ministry announced on Monday on demand (see the initial report of 15. June). The protection of the Constitution also stressed that the national Association of standing only a step prior to the classification as a right-wing extremist efforts.

Update from 15. June, 13.53 PM: of The Brandenburger protection of the Constitution has now given as to why he has classified the AfD-landesverband as a suspected case. As a reason the Institution was called, among other extremist positions that the members of.

“It is important if there is evidence sufficient for him to efforts against the freedom of going out democratic order”, said the protection of the Constitution-leader Jörg Müller on Monday in Potsdam. To do this, extremis included tables positioning of AfD members, as well as a strong influence of the nationalist “wing” of the AfD , the dissolved according to its own information.

AfD Brandenburg: the protection of the Constitution ties with extreme right-wing structures

in addition, there is a demonstrable personnel and structural links for the AfD in Brandenburg, with other right-wing extremist structures , said Müller, adding, the AfD Brandenburg ‘m only a stage prior to the classification as a confirmed right-wing extremist efforts . This threshold would have been exceeded in some areas already.

AfD as a suspected case is classified: As Gauland

Update from 15. June, 11.24 PM: The stricter observation of the Brandenburg AfD-state Association met with the chief of the AfD group in the Bundestag, Alexander Gauland , to criticism. “The decision of the constitutional protection in Brandenburg, the national Association of AfD as a suspected case is classified, is just as wrong as the previous classifications of the AfD by the protection of the Constitution,” said Gauland on Monday the German press Agency.

Earlier, the Brandenburger protection of the Constitution had made the AfD in the country under observation. Formally, he considered the national Association as a suspected case . This means that he may use for the observation not all, of the intelligence agent.

In March had classified the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution secured the r real national “wing” the party “right-wing extremist aspirations” . In the meantime, the grouping is dissolved formally. The AfD Junior organisation, Young Alternative is, in turn, as a suspected case in the area of right-wing extremism.

AfD of the Brandenburger protection of the Constitution under observation

initial meld of 15. June 2020:

Potsdam – The Brandenburger protection of the Constitution the AfD-Landesverband under observation . The Ministry of the interior said on Monday in Potsdam on demand and explained to the German press Agency that this step was done after a lengthy examination. Also, the control Commission of the land Parliament was informed. Previously, the RTL/ntv, and the daily mirror had reported about it. In the course of today, Monday, the interior Ministry wanted to give more information about it.

This message should now, once again, for turmoil in the land Association of the party. Most recently, the expulsion of the former land Chairman Andreas Kalbitz made headlines. This complains against the exclusion from the AfD. For more information about the personnel Kalbitz, you will receive in the following Video.

AfD: after kicking out Kalbitz restraint

Although Kalbitz had been thrown out by a majority decision of the Federal Executive of the party, is the decision-making party internally is very controversial . In the Brandenburg land Association of powerful forces stand behind Kalbitz – even the rules of procedure of the parliamentary group was changed, so that he could remain after the expulsion of the member. Kalbitz, is one of the word of the leader of the radical Right in the party to Björn Höcke , which were earlier closed in the now defunct “wing” together. From the point of view of the constitutional protection he is a right-wing extremist.

Jörg Müller, head of the Brandenburg constitutional protection, had said in mid-may in the RBB with a view to a possible observation of the state Association: “If this recognizable “available lie change” to continue and shows, then this is a question more and more to impose will.” He stressed, however, that the observation of a party bound in a democracy to exact the rule of law conditions and a severe engagement was.

AfD-politician Kalbitz to have been a member of an extreme right-wing Association

In may, the AfD had explained to the national Executive of the membership of Kalbitz, with a narrow majority of seven to five votes, with one abstention, null and void. As a justification for the decision, he stated that Kalbitz not have given in to joining the party in 2013, a former membership in the now-banned right-wing “homeland-faithful German youth” (HDJ), and the Republicans between the end of 1993 and beginning of 1994. Kalbitz emphasized, however, that he was a HDJ member. He is now in the Federal court of the party and a civil court against the decision in arbitration.

in addition to Thuringia, the country’s chief Höcke Kalbitz is considered the most important representative the right-national flow in the party . The right of national “wings”, which is classified by the protection of the Constitution as the extreme right, had dissolved according to its own information at the end of April itself.
