With a total of 300 million Euro is involved, the Federal government of the company, CureVac. This is currently researching a vaccine against the Coronavirus. to support

research, after a vaccine against Corona*, the Federation of the tübingen-based company CureVac . Total distribution 300 million euros invested by the government and receives 23 percent of the company’s shares. Economics Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) this was also the extent to which the Federal government will have an impact on the company. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany*. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures*.

The Federal government involved in with 300 million euros to the company CureVac , who is looking for a* vaccine against Coronavirus*. The Ministry of economic Affairs announced on Monday. In the coming days, the state-owned KfW-Bank for 300 million Euro 23 per cent of the shares to CureVac will draw on the German economy Minister, Peter Altmaier (CDU) on Monday in Berlin. CureVac should be given to this participation financial security.

Coronavirus: the Federal government supports CureVac vaccine research

Altmaier stressed at the same time that the the Federal no influence on the business decisions of CureVac . He also said that the participation is industry is politically of high importance. Important research results and technologies would be needed in Germany and Europe. The background of the economy and the future of package , developed by the Federal government in the Wake of the Corona-crisis , the economic consequences of the pandemic cushion was.

majority shareholder Dietmar Hopp stated that he was pleased to see that the state the importance of biotechnology and key industry on the early research, supports will be recognized.

The company Tübingen is working with the Federal government’s own Paul-Ehrlich-Institute in the manufacture of a vaccine against the Coronavirus. In March reports caused a sensation, according to which US President Donald Trump exclusively for the United States of a vaccine want to back up. However, the best ride CureVac several times to have a takeover offer from the US government to get.

*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

AFP, Reuters