With his participation in an Anti-racism Demo was encouraging Boris Becker to Think. However, were subsequently held hostility. These will go to the former tennis star on the kidneys.

Boris Becker has participated in London on an Anti-racism Demo . It rained in Germany, criticism and hostility via Social Media. The former Tennis Stars can not sit up and refers to his family.

Update from 15. June, 17.02 PM: That Boris Becker has a Problem with racism , is already on Hand, if you look at the family background of the former Tennis idol With three women in the 52-Year-old has four children, and all are his offspring “mixed race”, as he describes in an emotional Interview with the image.

the fight against racism: Boris Becker shocked by hostility

In the report, the Ex-DTB-Star disappointed, and also angry, due to the reactions to his participation in a protest in London because of the events surrounding the death of the US-American George Floyd. “Anyone who has reservations about the black population, to attack me personally. But I I defend myself. The First, what makes a father is to defend his children. Any man would do“, explained Boris Becker in the Interview. The man who provides for his Fans in the social networks on a regular basis with News, is shocked by the hostility that was also directed against him.

+ Boris Becker at an Event in 2019. The former Tennis Star is in the Wake of the “Black lives matter” anti-racism.©dpa / Daniel Bockwoldt

“While media such as CNN and Daily Mail my participation as a very positive mentioned, I was offended from Germany the Worst. Social media, there is nothing but hatred and malice reached me,“ says the native of Leimen. He was “disappointed, angry and appalled” by the equally stunned would make him, mainly that trailer, which had him hailed earlier on the tennis court, would criticize him now that he is advocating against hostility from people with other skin colors. “To be quite honest: these are the Fans I can do without,” says Becker of his displeasure.

tells How Becker had confronted his children quite frequently with discrimination due to the color of their skin: “racism? Daily. My older three children will experience at least once in a week for a racist incident, so I’m with you in constant communication on this subject.“

Boris Becker went over to German with clear words – “A country of racists?”

source article:

London/Munich – Dick, he was wrapped up in any case. A poison green scarf concealed most of his face. To do this, Boris Becker wore on the head a baseball cap, about even with the hood of his Hoodie. So disguised, the Tennis legend took part in a Anti-racism Demo in his adopted home of London.

His Stand against the oppression of the black community documented Becker with a short Video that he spread via Twitter. The Post, he sided with the Hashtag Black lives matter* . Actually, an all-round commendable action of the Leimeners.

Boris Becker on Anti-racism Demo: Allegations of users due to distance rules

seen in Corona-times* by far not all of the User reported in the comments to word. Especially since the UK is still far deeper in the crisis than Germany. So Becker all kinds of accusations had to endure. The one that he had failed to follow the distance rules miss, there was one of the more harmless.

The most violent criticism of Becker reached but apparently, from his old home. Which is why he turned to them with further Tweets – totally untypical in the German language – to his countrymen. “I’m shocked , shocked, frightened, on many insults from Germany for my support of the Black lives matter Demo in London yesterday,” wrote the 52-Year-old on Sunday, and countered: “Why, why, why??? We have become a country of racists …?“

Boris Becker on Anti-racism Demo: in Germany, there are numerous rallies

So, Becker puts his Finger in the wound. Because in this country, thousands in the aftermath of the violent death of the African-American George Floyd* seeds to stand in the far Minneapolis on the road to equality. At a rally in Düsseldorf, the football players Benjamin Henrichs was even in the front of the.

In a second Tweet, Becker was at least the support of the Demo-site by the media in the United States and in England. “Fortunately, my support of the Black-lives-matter was seen Demo of both on CNN and the Daily Mail as a very positive …”, he referred to the report and spun the bow to his own personal role: “Apparently, many people in Germany have always understood that it is my family history !” It is the name of his four children Noah, Elijah, Anna and Amadeus follow .

Boris Becker on Anti-racism Demo: Ex-women’s roots originate in America

Noah and Elias, the marriage with Barbara Becker , the daughter of an African-American father and a German is. Anna is the result of an affair with Angela Ermakowa , a British woman with Russian roots. With the Dutch Lilly Becker , whose mother is from Suriname, he’s Amadeus.

In the family of the cosmopolitan Ex-professionals, the racism would be so only in the last few weeks. Which is why it is for Becker, of course, would be to get involved now. Corona or not.

a Short time later, Boris Becker earned on Instagram with a new Post-Fan-ridicule: “Looks like an accident…”

Becker’s son, Noah, was offended by an AfD-politician in a Tweet racist – it came to the process. Lilly competed in the TV Show “beat the Star” against Sylvie Meis and was brought on by a breakdown completely on the concept.

Meanwhile, the Hamburg-based Rapper Samy Deluxe released a Song against racism. The song title “I Can’t Breathe” plays on the words of the killed George Floyd.

In the hall took place on the weekend also demonstrations against racism. The same time extreme blamierten the Right in a counter-demo to the bone.

Not only Boris Becker has positioned itself clearly, even the German Bundesliga team FSV Mainz 05 has done this. The background is a Fan uproar, with a clear racist Statements was.

Meanwhile, a US Superstar, has made his Instagram Account. Then 179 million Followers saw a “heartbreaking” video material, such as tz.de reported.

*merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


section list image:©dpa / Daniel Bockwoldt