The murder of Walter Lübcke (CDU), caused nationwide horror. Now the process against the suspects, Stephan E., under strict security arrangements begins.

At the higher regional court in Frankfurt starts this Tuesday the process in the murder of Walter Lübcke . The former President of the government of Kassel was killed in June 2019 by a shot to the head. The main defendants Stephan E. is accused of a right-extremist scene. Also, because of the Corona-pandemic , strict safety precautions apply to the court.

Frankfurt/ Kassel – The process in the murder case of the Kassel government of President Walter Lübcke (CDU) starts this Tuesday expected to be 10 o’clock at the Frankfurt higher regional court (OLG). For the murder of Lübcke will have to answer two of the men before the court of appeal: The 46-year-old Stephan E., Kassel, is accused of the CDU politician a year ago on the terrace shot.

In the preparation of the deed to him, the 44-year-old Markus H. supported. He is accused of, therefore, because of aid to murder. The beginning of the trial before the state security Senate will be held under high security measures. In addition strong> Corona*pandemic is due to <the number of spectators greatly limited.

Lübcke-murder: office of the attorney General provides for a right extremist motive

Into the night 2. June 2019 had been killed the then-65-year-old Lübcke with a shot to the head . The office of the attorney General provides for a right extremist scene. Lübcke, had spoken out in 2015, for the reception of refugees and had become a hate figure to the extreme Right. The CDU politician was before his death, victims of hate and incitement in the net , even after the fact, rights to the enemy made him.

In the case of the defendant E. the Federal government provides advocacy for a “racism and xenophobia* worn völkisch-nationalist attitude ” as a motive. After his arrest the 46-Year-old a confession from , he called later . E. it is also alleged an attack on an Iraqi asylum seeker in January 2016. The victim was injured in a knife attack from the rear considerably.

As a co-plaintiff, the wife, and two sons of the Murdered will participate in the process. The speaker and the attorney for the family Lübcke want to provide, prior to the start of the process to comment. Many other process dates until October terminated .

Lübcke-murder: Because Corona only a limited number of journalists

admitted To the public interest . For the reporting of more than 200 journalists from 70 domestic and foreign media at the higher regional court of accredit settled.

Due to the Corona-pandemic is the space in the courtroom, however, strongly limited . Apply it in the auditorium and on the press stand stands 1.5 meters minimum, the Wearing of the mouth-nose-coverings is also required. While on the press room for 60 media tribune is normally representative may take under the Corona conditions, only 19 journalists there. 41 further, there is a sound in another room. In the auditorium 18, visitors will find the place.

the beginning of The trial is expected to be from demonstrations accompanied. Among other things, the North-Hessian Initiative have announced “Open to diversity” and “Interventionist Left Frankfurt” . While the Kassel Initiative admission for democratic values, are calling for the left-wing activists “a comprehensive education that sets out rights networks open and all the Connections to the protection of the Constitution and NSU reveals”.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital network.