The Corona outbreak in neukölln residential blocks with 70 confirmed cases, from the point of view of a Berlin Amtsarztes more of a risk for the General population. In spite of cross-connections in other districts, the probability that a Berlin emerging-wide Problem and not be “particularly large”, said the head of the Department of health Reinickendorf, Patrick Larscheid, on Wednesday in RBB-info radio. He justified this with the experiences from the outbreaks in meat cutting plants in other States: The people have lived so isolated that the Virus was not transmitted – similar it also seemed to be currently in Berlin. Among other things, in Reinickendorf, there are Corona cases in which references to Neukölln are suspected. dpa/Wolfgang Kumm/dpa A building on Harzer street in Berlin city district of Neukölln, which was made on the basis of a variety of Covid-19 diseases are under quarantine.

Meanwhile, the number of Infected blocks in the quarantined living with around 370 households in Neukölln continued to rise. Meanwhile, 70 cases with Stand Tuesday evening, said mayor Martin Hikel (SPD) in the case of radio one. The day before, the district had spoken of 57 cases. The cases were distributed to the households and explained Hikel. The Situation is not easy. Also in the General population, the discipline to Adhere to the Corona to let-rules: “in this respect, it is of course in the current Situation even harder to show people that Corona is gone, and that the observance of a quarantine is to protect other people.”

from the outbreak-affected groups are the very poor and uneducated people, who “are very familiar to us in the health Department,” said public health officer Larscheid in the info to the radio. They are also difficult to protect. Some of you can’t make the basic things in the infections clear. “This is the real work in the health offices, so that we can fight and we are a bit stumped over here and there,” said Larscheid.

in Berlin, the head of the government Michael Müller praised neukölln approach to info radio: There would be applied “very good”. The test strategy proved to be that targeted everywhere there is tested, where contacts are inevitable. The outbreak was noticed for the infections in school children. It is assumed there is a connection with a Christian Church, whose pastor at Covid-19 ill. Whether also there are Links to other cities, had early been tested, it was said from Berlin-Neukölln. The district had, however, no findings. In Magdeburg were to the Corona-cases, assumptions have been a reference to Berlin employed.

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