“No diplomatic kowtowing”

The “Times of India” considers it possible that the “Chinese Aggression” could be a warning to the address in India, not the “absolutely legitimate” international call for an independent investigation of the origins of the Corona outbreak join. “Should it succeed in Beijing, India would be a kowtow in front of his, China’s, to move in diplomatic positions, which is also a strong Signal to the rest of the neighboring countries, who is to determine in Asia. Therefore, India should do exactly what China, with diplomatic counter-measures to respond.”

The commentator recommends, in this connection, among other things, a sharp criticism of the “termination” of the autonomy of Hong Kong and the human rights violations in Tibet and Xinjiang, as well as the enhancement of the relations with Taipei. “In addition, we in China should pay with the same coin, and the trade as a weapon to use, by evidence of Chinese imports with sanctions. Beijing can’t kill our soldiers on the Line of Actual Control and at the same time of our huge market.”

“false sense of security”

The “Indian Express” writes: “The brutal killing of 20 Indian soldiers by the Chinese army (…) has the Potential, just a few days ago between senior officers of both sides agreed relaxation of military tension are undermined.” The commentator refers to the same end, mutual accusation, the other side had violated the common consensus, and writes: “Undoubtedly, much is lost in the process of Translation. At the same time, the Chinese Adventurism violated on a number of Meetings between Xi Jinping and Narendra modi, manufactured consent.” New Delhi should activate all political and military channels of communication with Beijing, to make this point clear.

The sheet of paper criticises the fact that many politicians in New Delhi from past diplomatic Successes in border disputes with China between 2013 and 2017 would be “in the wrong a false sense of security”. The Indian government should not ignore the “fundamental change in China’s view of the world no longer, according to Beijing, could take on anyone (…) India can afford its political illusions, in terms of China becoming less and less.”

“the Only correct path of Dialogue”

The bloody border incident on Monday, the “Jiefangjun Bao” (“newspaper of the people’s liberation army”), represented on Tuesday, as follows: “On the evening of the 15th. June led the Indian army in the valley of the Galwan river along the Sino-Indian border, contrary to their obligations, again illegal activities on the ‘Line of Actual Control’ over. She began to be deliberately provocative attack. The fisticuffs led to the victims death or injury.”

In the article is then demanded, “is that India considers its border troops strictly under control, without delay all the border stops violations and provocative actions, and the right way of the Dialogue and the conversations returns to settle differences.”

“Friendly gesture of China”

While India of at least 20 in the case of the collision killed its own soldiers speaking, and, more generally, of the “injured or Killed on the Chinese side,” power, China has no information on its own or with Indian victims. To do this, Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the nationalist daily newspaper “Global Times” writes: “China would like to that the people in both countries, compare the number of deaths, making the already irritated mood further fanned the flames. It is a friendly gesture to China.”

Hu appeals to the reader, this should not rely on “rumors about the number of deaths, the spread abroad.” “We trust our government and the people’s liberation army and its de-escalation strategy in case of border conflicts.”

TV report on Chinese maneuvers near the border

On Wednesday showed the Chinese state television pictures of a military maneuver on the Plateau of Tibet. The spokesman said: “Recently, a Brigade of the Tibet-stationed people’s liberation army carried out on the southern side of the Nyenchen Tanglha mountain, 4700 feet above the sea level, a three-dimensional Exercise with live ammunition.” According to the description of the maneuvers took place near the Indian border state of Arunachal Pradesh, claimed by China. Exactly when the manoeuvre has taken place, is not evident from the report.

point of contention road construction

The “Xin Jing Bao” (“Beijing news”) reports on the recent clashes between India and three neighboring countries Pakistan, Nepal and China in may 2020.

“For years, India is building in the border areas in the North, North East and North West streets on his page (the ‘Line of Actual Control’). A total of 66 roads to be built until 2022 to finish. The real Background to the dispute in the Galwan valley, lies in the fact that the rules of the Road exceeds the limit. This is a strategy of India to create unilateral facts, to the territory in bits and pieces of fascia.”

The newspaper then referred to the internal politics of India: “In the fight against Covid-19 has praised the Indian government, with its ‘extraordinary Successes’ self. Now, it is evident that the numbers increase, the case continues to be strong (…) the government of The nationalist BJP, now the border conflict on the political Agenda, the nationalist sentiment in the country, to fuel and to the attention of the Public (of the Corona-crisis) distract. This strategy had followed BJP too often.”

The newspaper writes in conclusion: “China’s Position is clear. Only if India shows a readiness to cooperate with China in the same direction, to eliminate the conflict on the path of Dialogue, a solution is possible.”

author: Hans Scion

*The contribution of “press review to confrontation China-India” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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