Because of the Anti-racism protests in the US want to change multiple brands their Logos. These are based on a “racial stereotype” and were no longer of this time.

The death of the African-American George Floyd in a brutal police operation led to week-long demonstrations in the USA . Since the flared up the discussion on racism , the discrimination of the Black back on. The food manufacturer Uncle Ben’s and Aunt Jemima want to change their Logos.

Houston – Because of ongoing Anti-racism protests in the United States wants to change the world-well-known rice brand Uncle Ben’s your Logo , which shows a Black. The company wants to make its contribution to an end of “racist prejudices and injustices”, said on Wednesday the life manufacturer Mars, one of the Uncle Ben’s . It was now the time the brand logo “develop”.

Not only Uncle Ben’s Breakfast brand, Aunt Jemima does not change the Logo

“We do not yet know how the Changes will look like exactly, and still don’t have a schedule, but we consider all the possibilities”, – stated in the press release.

A step further, the Breakfast brand, Aunt Jemima , the Logo was already a laughing African-American shows. The Logo of the for more than 130 years, the existing brand will be abolished from the end of the year, as the parent company, Quaker Foods North America announced that belongs to the group PepsiCo . The brand, which manufactures, among other things, maple syrup, and baking mixes for pancakes to get a new name.

+ the Logo of Aunt Jemima.©AFP / JUSTIN SULLIVAN

manufacturer admits: “origins of Aunt Jemima based on a racial stereotype”

“We recognise that the origins of Aunt Jemima to a racial stereotype ,” the company said. The Logo had been changed over the years, over and over again, in order to be “appropriate and respectful”; such Changes are sufficient.

In the USA have been demonstrating for weeks, thousands of people are against racism and police violence . The trigger was the death of the African-American George Floyd by the brutal use of a white police officer in Minneapolis was. The act of violence has resulted in the USA an intense debate over racism, the discrimination of Blacks and the time of slavery. Also in Munich, 25,000 people went to demonstrate.


section list image:©AFP / JUSTIN SULLIVAN