“The world after” is the political slogan the most dangerous of the last thirty years. It is without doubt also one of the most malicious. It is thus that in his speech on 14 June, the president of the Republic has described a crisis that looked to be mistaken for the ” world before “. It could not be otherwise. The world after was nothing other than a magic formula by which all errors were to disappear, by means of which all mistakes should be forgiven. In the world of the after, yesterday no longer exists. Then all those who have been in power these last thirty years, those who are still attempting to divert our eyes to this wonderful land of plenty. Think only of the aftermath, which, necessarily, will sing. Thanks to the “world after”, “everything can be forgotten, forget the time of misunderstandings…”

In fact, tens of thousands of people are dead. Offer a clean bill is obscene on the part of rulers. The hospital, the school, the safety, the food supply, all essential services of the State, have held that because citizens generally struck by certain policies, ” worthlessness “, characterized as ” laziness “, or even treaties of “parasitism” for the teachers, all these people are mobilised with immense courage for the common good.

also Read Climate : the ‘Convention’ offers the “world after”

Then, before talking about the ” world of tomorrow “, is it not necessary to make an inventory of the world before ? Before getting ” in motion “, before returning to full speed ; before imagine or construct this hypothetical world of the after, it is necessary to think. It must be, deeply, catching our breath. A duty of inventory is necessary, to use a well-known formula, including for Walkers the most sincere.

what is the purpose of the policy ? Or, rather, what policy should it use ? Power up ! was presented as a movement first in order to be effective. This efficiency had to pass a use of a vertical of the power. Also communicants of the president and their friends the commentators had they developed a general theory of the ” jupitérisme “, abundantly prophesied by media languidly lying.

It is well in this world before we got so close to the abyss. Analyze, understand, decide and enforce, all alone, in the name of efficiency. In truth, the practice vertical of power has weakened the Republic. It has abandoned the social justice. She held the speech of the order ; but everyone saw that this order was based on the deafness of the regime, was for the purpose of sterilizing the democratic debate and tended to the narrowing surreptitious liberties. The pandemic has reminded us of the shock of reality previous – mutilation of the hospital, narrowing of the unemployment insurance, deafness to the calls of the yellow Vests, pension reform forced march – were demonstrated : the ignorance/indifference to our lives. And, in words scarcely veiled, behold, the head of the State informs us that these policies will be continued, if not worsened.

Read also Strauch-Bonart – A “world after” won by the intellectual laziness

The human vulnerability is the reason for the policy. Recognize and accept our vulnerability, the exceed and emancipate all beings is the only policy that applies. For this, the first duty of governments is to protect, educate, heal, give the same chances to all, and the means to real equality ; it is to tell the truth and speak the truth to enlightened citizens who are no longer able to be infantilized. The French political class had forgotten about it. Defer to the first climber or a delight of a “start-up nation” does not speak at all and only served the interests of the few.

those who have put themselves in danger to save our lives, those who are affected by the economic crisis and dramatic social who starts, expect a return to the basis of the policy : human vulnerability. The most vulnerable, but of course all French people that require policies to the height of the design republican, will recall to those who want to believe that ” everything can be forgotten “.

also Read Tahar Ben Jelloun – No, man will not change after the Covid-19

*Cyril Benoit is the president of Wanting to the Republic, a citizen’s movement, social and ecological, based off of the parties in 1995. Want the Republic carries out an analysis and a proposal to reestablish the covenant, a republican.

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