The case Lübcke: the alleged killer of the Kassel government President Walter Lübcke, Stephan Ernst, a Nazi between hatred and insight is ticking.

in Front of the higher regional court of Frankfurt will be against Stephan Ernst He is negotiating to have Walter Lübcke with a head shot hung in Front of the court is clear: As the Nazi ticks , how*

Frankfurt – less than half An hour has seen Stephan Ernst himself on the canvas in the room 165 C of the higher regional court of Frankfurt, he breaks out in tears. On the second day of deliberations in the trial against the alleged killers of the Kassel government President Walter Lübcke* (†65) is the presiding judge Thomas Sagebiel the Video of Stephan Ernst’s questioning, on 25. June 2019 to play, in which he confessed to the CDU politician killed.

Almost five hours at the age of 45 answered the questions of two investigators. He tells how he wanted to in the North of Hesse in the radical right-wing circles slipped, it supposedly renounced and a good father for his two children.

in The case Lübcke: Nazi Stephan Ernst accused

+ Is suspected to have Walter Lübcke murdered: the Nazi Stephan Ernst.©picture alliance/dpa

In the Video, the alleged murderer of Walter Lübcke* said, also in tears: “I wanted my children to be part of the society. I meant that my world view was wrong and that the society as it is, is right.“ As a Stephan Ernst this sets hears in the courtroom, together drops it on the table in front of his chair and buries his head in his arms.

Be defender Mustafa Kaplan calls for a break, so that his client can wash the face. Sagebiel asks the main defendant twice if he needed a break. Stephan Ernst shook his head twice and gets to by the Federal Prosecutor Dieter Killmer, a packet of tissues handed to you.

As Stephan is Seriously discharged 45 minutes later in the lunch break, to look the family of Walter Lübcke and visitors to the negotiation is still in a tear-drawn face. It is an unexpected Moment in the just-opened negotiations, on the the whole Republic of looks. So many emotions, probably, has shown none of the defendants in the more than five years, the Munich NSU process .

in The case Lübcke: Stephan Ernst had initially confessed

The recording of the interrogation draws a detailed psychological profile of the alleged murderer of Walter Lübcke – even if Stephan Ernst withdrew the confession at the time, later*, his Nazi PAL Markus H. charged and before the court so far, is silent. Before the questions of the investigators his client have not slept “for almost three days,” says his second defender Frank Hannig on Thursday. Stephan Ernst at that time was day and night, exposed to light, and I get the narcotic Tavor.

+ of The co-defendant Markus H. hides his face.©picture alliance/dpa

Hannig and his lawyer, Mr Kaplan know that you are not able to prevent the Showing of the Videos. But you want to delay it at least. With numerous applications, and the defenders of co-defendant, Markus H. on Thursday had taken care of tomorrow for multiple interruptions. Until it became a judge sagebiel at some point too colorful: “It borders a bit on the Ridiculous here.”

in The case Lübcke: Stephan Ernst

The childish skirmish did not fit at all to the monstrous fact , here, and Stephan Seriously, at least in the meantime repented of. As the investigators ask him last summer in the police Bureau at the end of the interrogation, whether he wanted to say something, says the alleged murderer of Walter Lübcke, apparently, depth: “ I’m sorry for what I did that a person had to die because he had said the wrong words.”

+ judge Thomas Sagebiel leads the Lübcke-process at the higher regional court of Frankfurt.©picture alliance/dpa

While he describes in detail how he falter from his home in the Kassel district of the field of forestry to Istha opens the door, where he waits in a Parking lot for hours in the darkness, Stephan Ernst again and again and sob. If all of this wasn’t real, it must be the machining technician is a excellent actor.

in The case Lübcke: Stephan Ernst’s hatred of refugees

He seems to be even credible when he describes the last moments before the fact of a crime Thriller. His story goes like this: From the horse paddock, he observed on the outskirts located in the house of “Mr Lübcke,” as he calls the politicians again and again. “I no longer wanted it to appear. I wanted to go to my car,“ he says.

However, at 23.20 clock, he sees the glow of a tablet on the terrace. the Walter Lübcke wants to book a holiday for himself and his wife. Suddenly, Stephan thinks Seriously to the cry of the Backpack tourists, were killed in Morocco. Again and again he had seen a Video of the act. He hears the cries of the victims. For this and other deeds of foreigners, he makes Lübcke partly responsible, because he left as Merkel is the refugees into the country. In this Moment he thinks only: “You’re doing now.”

+ neo-Nazis in a parade – Stephan Ernst was deep in the North Hessian scene©entangled.picture alliance / dpa

again and again he had visited Walter Lübckes house since 2017. On a Saturday afternoon, the politician chatted with a neighbor should have seen him even. the Stephan Ernst delivery excited to Isthaer mountain, sat down to the grill hut and prayed: “God, give him into my hands.”

in The case Lübcke: Stephen Ernst was looks deep into the Nazi scene

The alleged murderer of Walter Lübcke as a normal family man. Even in the Morning, before the fact of skillful craftsmen worked at home in the new bathroom. And when he speaks about his biography, he sounds like a dropout from the right . After his sentence in Kassel prison for the attempted killing of an Imam, he found work in the city centre.

About the Nazi in Northern Hesse, remained and fell into the “circles of NPD ” Free comradeships, as he says: “I was xenophobic, I say so.” In 2010, he is in an attack on a DGB-Demo in Dortmund return to criminal activity. He had felt on the journey there, that “I actually had the snout full. I wanted nothing to do with them.“

+ Walter Lübcke was executed in front of his house by a head shot hung.©picture alliance/dpa

He dreamt of his master. Then he met in the work of his old Nazi-comrades, Markus H. again, by the he has been re-radicalized. H. took him to make it to the meeting to Lohfelden, after it was agreed, “something.” Again and again, Stephan Ernst used this formulation.

in The case Lübcke: depression in Stephan Ernst

The two of them arm themselves for the upcoming battle, the extreme Right-wing prophesy for years. In the meantime, Stephan Ernst is trying his hate to Walter Lübcke . But: “It is a sick thing that has not let me go.”

+ Stephan Ernst is said to have murdered Walter Lübcke – now the Nazi in Frankfurt stands in front of the court.©picture alliance/dpa

Stephan Ernst is familiar with mental diseases. In the meantime he made because of depression therapy. Now it must be clear that his life is ruined and he will see his children may never more outside of the prison. The punishment also depends on whether Stephan Ernst breaks out in the coming months, his Silence, and once again, true repentance shows.

Matthias Lohr

* is part of the nationwide Ippen Digital editors ‘ network

section list image:©picture alliance/dpa