Before Miesenbach is known to be a difficult time. As reported, the city on a new debt in the amount of 7.6 million euros for the current year. The consequence of this: The development in the city Treasury to be kept until Further notice carefully in the eye for fear of nasty Surprises.

all The more pleasing was it on Thursday evening that the mayor Gerhard Braun Miller (CSU), and Treasurer Josef Schäffler could inform the members of the new, now ten-member Finance Committee that the Numbers move so far in the normal range. “From the looks of it at the Moment, the budget stable,” said brown Miller. The expenditure in the administrative budget would correspond to approximately what it was in the middle of the year. And the revenue would have developed in this budget better than the budget in 2020 is expected. So everything is good?

Good Pay, no all-clear

really. Because brown Miller stressed immediately that this meant no all-clear: “The General estimates of the municipal revenue will go in the course of the year to the bottom.” Participation in income – and VAT in the first quarter in Miesbach normal, but nationwide, a decrease of eight per cent income tax and one percent in the sales tax was expected to. “But it’s open,” added the city hall, boss, “the extent to which these Figures are on Miesbach applicable.” The effects of the corona-induced short-time work, as well as the temporary reduction in VAT make an assessment is currently impossible. It was only in the autumn – a supplementary budget, but it is now already foreseeable.

to predict Further development

What the eunuch confirmed. Schäffler urged, therefore, to continue a cautious spending policy. And would result, contrary to expectations, unplanned Surpluses, these should be incorporated into the reserve. Because you could currently refrain is impossible, as the financial situation in the medium term will develop in the face of Corona, the costs of combating the Asian longhorned beetle (previously valued at 1.4 million euros) and the planned construction projects, as well as the inevitable circle of apportionment (planned for 2020 with € 8.5 million).

also read: looks So Miesbach’s budget 2020

A line that is supported by the members. “Corrections can come when the trades expensive fast,” warned Paul Fertl (SPD). Nevertheless, it “should save in the crisis of a purely”, but the made projects and “on sight”. A monthly Information on budget development is good, to be able to in the case of the cases respond.

Continue to invest in point of view

This cautious optimism, Markus Seemüller (FWG) was, however, skeptical. “How does this connect to other cities adopt block the Budget?”, he wanted to know. “That would be the wrong Signal,” replied Alfred Mittermaier (CSU). It is going to show cautious optimism. “Investment is nothing to with road construction and the children’s house, what must not be.” What is the Treasurer confirmed: “It’s just obligatory tasks. There’s a lot that’s broken.“ It’s a similar saw Verena Assum (CSU): “The investment will, in time, more expensive and not cheaper. It is about the fact that we are now a stable anchor.“ What Manfred Burger looked so: “We should do things better now, as long as it goes.” Second mayor Astrid guldner (Green) also warned against “preventive pessimism”. The city should continue to invest in moderation and in a targeted manner, to new Figures on the table, which would then have to be re-evaluated. It was in the body in agreement.
