If they are not in use, it is often a life-and-death. Nearly 60 physicians in the County are volunteers by the way, as an emergency physician. Despite the large commitment it is, that the layers remain unfilled. Yet this is the exception, but the Problem could worsen in the future.

County Christian singer is an old hand in the business. For 30 years the head of the Geriatric Rehabilitation works on the Schongauer the hospital as ambulance. Together with Cornelius Pahl, a resident doctor in Birkland and the Executive Board of the Association of emergency physicians Schongau, taking care of the singer for the location of Schongau, that at any time an ambulance is available. He plans the day shift that goes from 8 to 16 PM and from Doctors of the hospital recruited. Pahl is for the layers from 16 to 8 a.m. and on weekends responsible. The emergency service, private practice Doctors take on at this time. “But the border is in both areas of fluency,” says singer. A total of 21 medical professionals include emergency medical Pool in Schongau. In Weilheim 20 Doctors to regularly ambulance operations in Penzberg, the third ambulance location in the County, are it 15.

The classification is time-consuming. Often a singer and Pahl breed to the beginning of the month for several hours about the service plans, to bring all the needs under one roof and occupy, especially all the layers. This doesn’t always work, especially on holidays such as Christmas, it is already tight. “Many of our colleagues have children, because it is nice to have on such days, no service.”

a reason to panic, but calms singer. In the entire year of 2019, with just two percent of the layers had remained vacant. So you spent under the Bavaria-wide average of three per cent, says the physician. It is contrary to the recently in the neighboring district of Landsberg bandied Figures, according to which, in Schongau, Germany, 15 percent of the emergency service times, remained vacant. “Where does this number comes from is a mystery to me.”

The worst month was five per cent, of the October. In December, it was 3.8 percent, significantly lower, although above the average. Much depends on whether Doctors, who make many of the ambulance services fail, such as due to vacation. “That will tear a hole in the planning,” says singer. A critical Phase is between 7 and 8 o’clock. “Doctors often want to understand only until 7 PM, so that you are timely in practice,” says the chief doctor. For Doctors working in the hospital, would step in, a former, in turn, a longer service mean. “As it happens, in this hour, no ambulance in Schongau.”

If it must go fast, the ambulance, by helicopter

just like in the case of layers which are not occupied, that does not mean, however, that patients are not supplied in the case of a medical emergency. In the cases, the control center will send the closest available ambulance in the Region – if it has to go fast, it will be flown by helicopter to the site.

Even if the ambulance service in Schongau is currently running well: In the future, could exacerbate the Situation. The payment is according to the singer, the was sufficient. He rather points at the shortage of Doctors and the upcoming generation change. Many young doctors nowadays would put more emphasis on a balanced “Work-Life-Balance”. The double burden of voluntary emergency medical services fit poorly. You build so many bridges, so that the ambulance service is appealing for the young colleagues, as a singer. Quiet nights, however, were the exception. 2019, the Schongauer paramedics came alone to 1725 stakes, district-wide, the rescue service moved to 4900 Times.

In Weilheim can confirm Martin Goliasch the observations of Schongauer colleagues. “Without our elephants, the System would break even at us together,” says the Chairman of the Association of the emergency physicians because home. The willingness to work – in the case of the ambulance – according to the service to take final home, was no longer given in the case of younger colleagues without further notice. It is all the more important to advertise in a timely manner to the next generation. In because home you have the luck, that the Medical Director at the hospital, Andreas Knez, promoting the ambulance service. Unfilled shifts have given thanks to the dedicated colleagues 2019.

In Penzberg, the situation is even more relaxed

Also in Penzberg the location of the emergency is relaxed-Front. An active search for emergency doctors had so far been necessary, because the current size of the emergency medical service group constitutes a good compromise between to be filled services, personal Service needs and the necessary Routine, and the turnover within the group was relatively small, with shares Martin Umbach for the classification of weekend, holiday and night shifts responsibility. There is even a waiting list. Only rarely, about once a year, before it come, that you have to use the cast on foreign aid.

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land must in the past year in the district of Weilheim-Schongau is a coveted Good. This drives the prices even further. Over 520 million Euro were implemented according to district office – this is a record value.