The Mainz city Council Maurice Conrad has been threatened, according to its own information of a police officer from the state of Hesse. He holds the message for real.

The city Council Maurice Conrad from Mainz was a threat to their own information, COP from Hessen . The authenticity of the E-Mail address was published on Twitter, however, is not yet confirmed. The Hessian Landeskriminalamt (LKA) has taken up the investigation.

Update, Monday, 22.06.2020, 15.50 PM: Of Mainz city Council and “Fridays for Future”-activist Maurice Conrad has a Drohmail . Because they could have come from one of the Hessian officers, the state office of criminal investigation.

Maurice Conrad said the FR on Monday (22.06.2020), he felt the E-Mail seriously threatened. “Last night was pretty bad,” he said. “I didn’t sleep well.” He think it is conceivable that the E-Mail really, Conrad said. The message had been received at his address in the mail service, “Gmail,” the Internet group Google. Fake messages ended up there quite regularly in the spam filter.

Maurice Conrad of Mainz did not explain on Twitter pointed to the police

Why he could be caught in the visor of a police officer, can Conrad. He had commented on Twitter, however, is the last in a polemically pointed to racism and police violence. It was but a harmless “Twitter Humor”, said Conrad.

Hermann Schaus, interior policy spokesman of the left group in the town hall , rose, meanwhile, already claims in the event that the Mail is genuine: “you Should confirm that the Drohmail was written by a police officers , then immediate disciplinary appropriate measures with the aim of removal from the service,” said Schaus.

police officer from the state of Hesse is said to have threatened the city Council of Mainz

first message from Monday, 22.06.2020, 9.52 PM: Mainz/Wiesbaden – The Mainz councillor Maurice Conrad own information by Mail to a police officers from Hessen threatened. The 20-year-old Conrad, published on the Twitter a Screenshot of the letter . Whether it is a real Mail or fake news , is unclear .

city Council of Mainz, according to its own information of a police officer from Hesse

On Twitter the climate-activist said: “A policeman of the #police #Hesse writes to me, as a local politician about his job function Mail and threaten me with physical violence. Yes, I’m a little bit scared.“

he was the Screenshot of a message, whose sender comes apparently from the Hessian police. The message has the following wording : “I didn’t know that it is the city Council with precarious education. No wonder, Mainz, shit-hole on the other side of the Rhine. I recommend the Rest of the nightly prayer that we have 2 run never the way. Would be healthier.“

police officer allegedly sends Drohmail: LKA answers

The Hessian state office of criminal investigation replied to the Tweet: “dear Mr. Conrad, we have taken the facts of the case and take care of us immediately.“ Also, the police in Mainz, responded to the Tweet, and wrote in the short message service: “Thank you for the Information. We are available for further steps.“

Whether or not the message actually originated from a police officer from the state of Hessen, is still questionable. Because the E-Mail could be fake (so-called E-Mail Spoofing ). The be some Twitter-to consider users in the comments under the Tweet, Maurice Conrad. A user performs and even how easy it is to fake such a Mail.

police officer to threaten local politicians – LKA verifies authenticity

The Hessian state office of criminal investigation wrote a leader on his Twitter page: “To the E-Mail Screenshot, the HLKA leading the investigation. Currently, it is unclear whether the Mail was actually sent from a police Account, or whether it is a Fake (E-Mail Spoofing). Also, we want the fastest possible education. More info to follow!“

As Conrad has published the email address for the editorial office to check their authenticity. So far, we have received no response. (Melanie Gottschalk)

In Stuttgart it came in the night from Saturday (20.06.2020) on Sunday (21.06.2020) to serious riots. All of the latest developments to these incidents, you know in our News Ticker.