Under water, or through the mountain: some of the holiday route leads through a Tunnel What should motorists in the journey through the tube note?

Munich (dpa/tmn) – Some people in the car tunnel queasy – but that must not be. For those who observe a couple of precautions, drive safely, through the tube. In the sunshine, you should not forget before the entrance to take the sunglasses from the nose, and the headlights on, advises the ADAC. to pay attention

there is sufficient Fuel in the Tank, is actually always but in the Tunnel the more – not here of all places are to stay. A recent radio program with traffic information is also set to stay in the Running. Sometimes signs inform about the channels in the tube can be received.

distance and speed limit to comply with

In the tube drivers keep a sufficient distance from the vehicle in front and not exceed the displayed speed limit. Traffic light signals and traffic signs, one should note, of course. And, in the ideal case, motorists note of where emergency exits and emergency call stations are.

If the Tunnel has traffic, leads as far to the right edge. Also: Never go backwards, only in case of emergency, to hold, and always to the instructions on the tunnel speakers pay attention to.

What should I do in case of an emergency?

Starts jamming the traffic, hazard warning lights switched on and a rescue alley form. There are at least five meters to the front of the vehicle. The traffic is no longer, you turn off the engine and wait in the vehicle.

Who has a breakdown, tries with warning light from the Tunnel ahead. Otherwise, it is possible to stop in a roadside Bay, or as far to the right on the edge of the road. After the engine has been issued, with dressier vest, by emergency call device in the Tunnel to get help. So the control center knows the location.

it Comes to a fire, the designated emergency exits and pays attention more to say. The ignition key is in the ignition – so rescue personnel can maneuver the vehicle.

tunnel of fear: What can I do?

Whom queasy in the Tunnel, the can try to a deep and relaxing Exhale. To avoid the Tunnel, the alternative routes in Navi find. This is especially true for all of the outbreaks in the tube welding, uncontrolled, short breathing, or panic attacks to say. In these forms the tunnel of fear, drivers should ask a doctor for advice.

European Tunnel in three countries – more than half of the defects

Currently has investigated the ADAC 16 foreign Tunnel on routes where tourists frequently travel in the holidays – including tubes in Italy, Croatia and Austria. Shows deficiencies, therefore, more than half of the tested plants. You do not meet the minimum requirements of the European Union for safety in European road tunnels. This, according to ADAC since 2004, and would have to be implemented by 2019 at the latest.

However, there are large differences between the countries. The five in Austria tested the Tunnel best to cut and meet a minimum of the Directive. The Tunnel in Croatia, the Club describes as a “predominantly solid”. So only one of the three examined does not meet the Standards, among other things, because of a breakdown bays are too far apart, and emergency exits are missing.

In Italy were the testers “significant shortcomings”. Only one of the eight tunnels of the EU requirements partially met, the other not. No or too widely-spaced lay-bys, emergency exits and emergency call facilities and a lack of fire water hydrants in the Club records as in the case of an accident, dangerous life defects.

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