A worker must pay 5400 Euro fine, because he has attacked with a colleague, a roommate. Who was for a violation of responsible was not determined.

the North district Because he had beaten with a colleague, a roommate in the hospital, had to answer a Bulgarian worker in front of the district court of Erding. He was accused, given the Severity of the injuries suffered by the victims because of dangerous bodily injury.

to clarify Because, finally, was what injury the defendant had caused was mitigated by the allegation of deliberate assault, and the 47-Year-old sentenced to a fine of 180 daily rates à 30 euros. The three-month pretrial detention is credited.

It was the end of may last year, as there is accommodation for lunch in the work in the Northern part of the district came to the outbreak of violence. Against 12 o’clock of the 47 have entered the room of the victim and accused to have his Tablet stolen. Then he came with a colleague back. Both have taken on the victim. His nose later in the hospital for leg and rib fracture, a frontal sinus fracture and numerous hematomas diagnosed.

The attacker was in for what injuries responsible, could not be clarified prior to the court finally, because the Complainant had not appeared as a witness for a hearing. His whereabouts is unknown, the summons could not be delivered, said judge Björn Schindler.

The defendant admitted through his lawyer Kiril Kiryakov a kick against the torso of the roommate. The blows to the head came from the other attacker. This had says the victim in an interrogation out of it. Also, a police officer said on the witness stand that the head injuries to the account of the other offender. This has been condemned in other proceedings. In the property itself, none of the residents wanted to have something of the attack, said the police officials.

Both attackers were under the influence of alcohol at the time of the strong, the defendant still had seven hours later, a good two of alcohol in the blood. At noon, it is likely to be back been expected between 2.6 and 3.0 ppm. He had shown no signs of major failure, to be cooperative, but dispassionately been. “He has suffered everything,” said the police official.

The expert, Dr. Bernd Weigel, a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, attested to the defendant: “He must be highly alcohol used to.” The information Year, used to be a lot, but for three years, is no longer a Problem with alcohol, may drunk not true of the 47 -. In view of the non-visible readiness, and the poor English skills of Bulgarians Weigel looked at the prospects of success of a therapy, but as not given.

defender Kiryakov stressed that his client had no criminal record and since the release in any Form of criminal in the past. Attorney Nina said Wittig, the defendants only could be proved, what he had conceded, so the kick in the pants to the torso. Undetectable was that the rib fracture was driven. She pleaded for a fine, “which must be clearly perceptible”, and applied to 180 daily rates à 40 euros, which is 7200 euros. The defender gave a penalty to be appropriate, pleaded, but for a daily rate of 20 Euro. Judge Schindler chose the Golden middle and sentenced the Bulgarians to a fine of 180 daily rates à 30 euros (5400 euros). The defendant shall also bear the costs of the proceedings.

The Tablet-PC is by the way showed up again. The landlord of the work, found accommodation for him behind the bed box in the room of the accused.