For summer jobs to pay students or students with no social insurance. The decisive criterion for this is that the employment is temporary. Due to the Corona of the Zietraum was increased, however, to five months.

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – students use the summer holidays to come up with a summer job Supplement her pocket money. Contributions to the social insurance you need to pay according to the German statutory pension insurance scheme for that purpose in the rule – no matter how much you earn. This also applies to students who work, for example, only during the semester holidays.

The reason is that summer jobs are one of the short-term jobs. In the normal case, the Jobs that do not take in the current year, more than seventy working days, or three months at a time.

Due to the Corona pandemic, the limits for short-term employment on a temporary basis for the period from 1 were. March to 31. October 2020 to five months, or 115 days of work increased. to note

Important: These limits must be adhered to. No social insurance contributions apply. Anyone who has exercised this year, already have a Job, have to be careful because there are several short-term jobs are aggregated.

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