Fourteen protesters were on the bench of the accused, after having been arrested on Friday in Tizi Ouzou after a walk of the hirak, the movement of the people antirégime. According to the association of support to prisoners of conscience, five of them were sentenced Tuesday to prison terms ranging from six months to a year in prison. The most severely sentenced person has been sentenced to one year firm, with incarceration immediate, for carrying a weapon, said the national Committee for the liberation of prisoners (CNLD). Four others have been sentenced to imprisonment without warrant of committal. The last nine have been acquitted. The 14 defendants were accused of” gathering not reinforced “,” insult to the body ” and ” destruction of property of others “. These last two charges have not been deducted. The prosecutor had requested a five year sentence against the 14 protesters.

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The suppression sets in gradually

“The regime persists and continues the repression against peaceful demonstrators,” said to AFP Me Aissa Rahmoune member of the collective defense, before the verdict. Demonstrations of support for the 14 defendants, of whom the youngest was 19 years old, were held Tuesday in the vicinity of the court of Tizi Ouzou, according to videos posted on the social networks. A wave of repression on activists of the hirak, political opponents, journalists or even ordinary bloggers since the beginning of the pandemic Covid-19 in Algeria. Thus, Abdelkrim Zeghileche, activist and director of an algerian radio broadcast on Internet, Radio-Blowpipe, was arrested Tuesday in Constantine (North-East), placed in custody and imprisoned, according to the CNLD. This journalist has been convicted on several occasions. Another activist known, Zoheir Keddam, received a sentence of one year firm, with incarceration immediately, before the court of Chéraga in Algiers, adds the CNLD. M. Keddam, arrested on 14 June in Algiers, was subject to judicial control. He was accused of” inciting crowd not armed ” and ” publications which may harm the national unity “. Finally, in the South, the indictments chamber of the court of Adrar has confirmed the mandate of the filing of Mohad Gasmi, an activist of human rights, in detention on remand since 14 June, according to the same source. According to the NGO, Front Line Defenders, based in Dublin, Mr. Gasmi is accused of” apology of terrorism “. Militant pro-hirak, it has come to the defence of a movement of young unemployed in the South disadvantaged in the country.

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Nearly 500 protesters pro-hirak in total had been arrested on Friday across the country, in spite of the strict prohibition of any gathering because of the health crisis. Most have since been released. According to human rights defenders, this turn of the screw justice aims to prevent the resurgence of the popular uprising which forced the resignation of president Abdelaziz Bouteflika in April 2019, after twenty years in power. Born in February 2019 an immense ras-le-bol of the Algerians, the hirak demands a change in the “system” in place since the country’s independence in 1962.

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Algeria : in the face of coronavirus, the hirak plays its survival ? In Algeria, “the repression is not confined” Algeria : “I cry in rage ! “Algeria : press freedom set containment Algeria : should it be “déconfiner” the hirak ?