Some child seats can keep up with technically long with the growth of the Small. Only one model is not enough in General, but still. How many seats need to be over the years?

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – Only with a suitable seat children are allowed to ride in the car. The offspring is younger than twelve years or smaller than 1.50 meters, the law prescribes for him a child seat.

But how many of them it takes until the child is old and big enough? Already there are systems that can adapt and “grow”. A single seat from birth is not sufficient for the safe Transport of but.

at Least two seats are needed, writes Stiftung Warentest in its magazine “test” (7/2020). Makes sense a baby is first shell or a seat that children from birth to the age of about 15 months. Then a model can follow, which is suitable from nine kilogram of body weight, or from about 75 centimeters body size.

Good seats must not be good necessarily have to be expensive

Currently the seat of the “Silver Cross, Dream + Dream i-Size Base” in a already in may released community test cuts, among other things, the ADAC is “very”. The model is suitable for children up to a size of 105 cm and costs around 500 euros.

Cheaper and is “good” in the category about “Joie i-Snug” for 110 euros. For larger and heavier children models, such as the “Cybex Solution Z i-Fix” for 210 Euro, and the “CBX Yari” for 140 Euro suitable. Both models cut off “good”.

Isofix helps to avoid errors

it is safest if the car has an Isofix attachment system, in which strap the seats into place. This avoids serious errors that can happen when you Mount the seats with the car seat belts.

For child seats internationally, two standards. The older “R 44” divides the models according to the weight of the children. It is analogous to the new standard, “R 129 i-Size”. These are sorted according to body size and side-impact testing, to take a seat for sale to allow.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:200623-99-537639/2

children’s seat side of Stiftung Warentest

ADAC-child seat Test