A CSU-politician takes on the events in Stuttgart, and Germany sealed a migration problem. With this reaction by a journalist, he probably did not expect.

After the riots in Stuttgart* a CSU-politicians will speak and take migrants to the visor. A Journalist countered the serious allegations and criticized particularly the resonating suspicion. This response is to the viral Hit, thanks in part to a well-known satirist.

Munich – About racism is not currently a debate as lively and controversial as it is long. So that will be dragged, in spite of all the Worry about the Corona-pandemic* the around the Globe out of living social grievances to the light of day. Has fuelled this development of the events in the United States, where, starting with the cruel death of the African-American George Floyd* due to police violence people, regardless of skin color, nationality or faith closing direction, in order to gain as part of the “Black lives matter”movement* ear and more equitable world to stand up.

Also in the German cities, tens of thousands took to the streets to demonstrate against the oppression of certain groups of the population . While in the United States continue to Black lose in the police efforts, made in this country, the consequences of serious riots in Stuttgart with damages in the six-or seven-digit range* for headlines. In the case of the attacks on police officers and attacks on shops velvet looting* citizens with an immigrant background .

racism debate to Stuttgart: CSU-politician accuses migrants “hate on cops” before

For CSU politician Stefan Müller these acts were apparently reason enough the immigration into the Federal Republic of margins and also the bow to the protests against discrimination and racism to. “We have a Problem in Germany, with migrants, the no respect for the police “, – wrote the member of the Bundestag from the Bavarian town of Erlangen: “Egged on by the racism debates of the last few weeks, you will feel as a victim, and disinhibited by alcohol and drug discharges of hatred for police officers .”

The reactions were not long to wait, in addition to more than 6000 Likes within two days, cashed in Müller, as expected, also a lot of criticism . Where a comment steel is, ultimately, even the statements of the politician on the Show. The Erlangen-born and for the world, write a Journalist Frédéric Schwilden took the time to disassemble the Tweet in a detailed Facebook response into its individual parts and to keep a plea for many hard-working and well-integrated migrants in Germany in General and in Swiss francs in Particular.

racism-debate: world-Journalist refers to migrants in relevant Professions

In allusion to Miller’s reference to the disinhibition by alcohol and drugs, Schwilden writes: “The biggest Problem with it is, I think, that when you write this bullshit have totally sober were.“ He then enumerates a number of major companies and institutions in and around Erlangen, in which not only a native of Germany perform their work: “ These migrants save them as orderlies, nurses, Doctors life. you are developing the machines that prolong your life when you might need it.“

More Schwilden performs the Müller referred to migrants “, first German and, secondly, the really to the victims of crime “. He cites the example of the Mali tribe at the end of Green party politician Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana , which has been addressed according to its own figures a few days ago, Belgian police in Brussels disproportionately hard, because they’ve been filming their against two young Black with the mobile phone.

+ Harder Moment: The EU-members Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana reported resolved by your recent racism-experience.©AFP / JOHN THYS

Stuttgart events are the result of “male-youth Beklopptheit”?

In connection with the incident in Stuttgart were, so Schwilden, in addition to German, also from , Bosnia, Portugal, Iran, Iraq, Croatia, Somalia and Afghanistan – born citizens have been arrested. However, Müller does not do it with his accusations a bit too easy, because: “What unites these people is their assumed migration background. It is a male-Teens Beklopptheit . And racism-debate in the Feuilletons which presumably don’t get much.“

of Course, the incident must have in Stuttgart, consequences. But with his rage-Post Müller shoot far beyond the mark. Schwilden appeals like so many before him: “It is important that we talk about about the racism, the people in the 21st century. Century still know . This is a form of racism that we must confront as a society.“ What is true for a Christian-Democrats even more.

+ Stefan Müller Reads the Levites: “the world”-Journalist Frédéric Schwilden, at Facebook clear words to the allegations of the CSU-politician.©Twitter/@total reporter

racism debate and Stuttgart-rampage: In the Federal Republic of Germany the Name is not often the music

And then Schwilden leads to the politician a fundamental Problem in the Federal Republic of Germany in mind: “When is Stefan Müller, but perhaps Mohammed Ozkurt, is it harder to get an education. (…) But the point is, you are not better, or great, or smarter as Mohammed Ozkurt, or whoever, does not mean Stefan Müller, but you have it a Tick easier.“

Be criticism of Müller is: “are you a white German member of the German Bundestag, writes of migrants, because he can’t imagine that people who look just a bit different, or a different name , also fellow citizens, and fellow citizens are.” More stressed Schwilden, “that the <strong Lee, Palmer, Iyibas, Akbay, Bakovic or Bajbouj is called the> German people in addition to Müller and Schmidt”. The members of the CSU does not want to have this true, did he look in the Bundestag is nothing to. The detailed contribution was commented on within two days, more than 1100 times and collected 10,000 responses.

CSU-politicians Müller wants to Stuttgart-Tweet not as a General suspicion understood

A viral Hit Schwildens Post was, because of the satirist Jan böhmermann this shared and spread the extra momentum gave. And Müller to yourself? The defending in the Nuremberg news: His Tweet was “neither a General suspicion against all migrants, nor a statement against migrants themselves”. However, could understand his phrases “intentionally miss” .

most Müller meeting, apparently, the comments that stamped him as a right: “I learn from the left bearing rejection and insults . Make it clear at this point: I have nothing to do with the right of the scene with your party AfD to.“ (mg)

We will inform in our Ticker on all the developments surrounding the unrest in connection with racist incidents in the United States. The wave of protest in Germany that we discuss.

*merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.