The Tasty Hitler Rosella Postorino (The paperback, 384 p., 7,90 €)

” The ability to adapt is the main resource of human beings, but the more I adaptais and least I felt human. “A Führer at the height of his paranoia, a young Berliner paid to taste his dishes (and, if necessary, to die in his place), a few torrid nights with the Oberstleutnant, all on the bottom of slaughterhouse international in madness, as said Céline, this is the picture of the “little big woman” from the summer, mixture of La Grande Bouffe – to the side ” eat until you die…

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Gallmeister – paperback (x5) – I have Read – Tempus – Ed. Mr Toussaint Louverture – Folio (x3) – BAbel (x2) – Ed. 10-18 (x3) – Pocket (x2) – National Gallery Collection/Corbis/Ed. Liana Levy Piccolo – Champs Flammarion – Points (x2) – ArchiPoche – Ed. Francois Bourin – Illustration : Dusault for “The Point” (x3)