Two countries fighting over a rock, an island in the Arctic ocean. How it came to the dispute, and why alcohol plays a big role to learn here.

Since 1984, Denmark and Canada fight a Mini-island, which lies between the two countries in the Arctic ocean. The Name of the rock: Hans Island . The flags and alcohol with the strife have to do

Hans of Iceland: a Question of Denmark and Canada are fighting over the island

disputes over territories can be ugly and degenerate to lead, not infrequently, even Get. But not so in the case of this dispute between Denmark and Canada to the island, Hans Island . This argument seems to be more of a joint pub crawl .

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Hans Island is just a big rock in the middle of the sea, but he happens to be in the Nares Strait, a wide canal, of Canada and Greenland, an Autonomous territory of Denmark, separates. The island lies exactly in the middle between the two Shores, so that can claim both sides of the Hans Island under international law .

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Hans Island: flags, booze and petty arguments

As of 1973, a clear-cut boundary between Canada and Denmark was withdrawn, did not want to deal with the issue of what is now Hans of Iceland should be. As in 1984, however, canadian troops visited the island, they placed their country flag and also a bottle of canadian whiskey in addition .

wanted to let the Danes, however, do not offer and so they replaced the canadian flag and the Whiskey by their own flag of the Country, a Danish liquor and a note with the words: “ Welcome to the Danish island of “.

And so a year began a long dispute, in which each page on a regular basis to the island travelled , to replace the flag of the other through their own. What happened to the brandy, however, is not finally clarified.

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