a real danger If the child, it is extremely helpful that it can warn parents with a signal word. So it works, you should use such commands otherwise only sparingly.

Munich (dpa/tmn) – For every little thing children, “look hear!”, “No, no!” “Caution!” or “Stop!”. Inflationary used prompts, though, the commands in a continuous loop and not arrive – because they to a child the tube in and the other out flows. What is missing, unfortunately, is a signal word for actual dangers.

“We constantly say, what not to do children. It is better to give them information about what to do,” says education expert Nicola Schmidt. The best-selling author (“Educate without Scolding”) on counts of variants: “Hold on please!”, “Drive slowly!”, “Wait, please, until I’m with you, before you do the next step!”

So the children are not dull and do not respond, should replace parents, your constant “no, no” with a “Yes”. About the variant: “Yes, I can understand that you want the whole day eating chocolate. I would also like to, but…”, calls Schmidt is an example.

man Verkneift to call in such simple situations, a dramatic “stop”, could you reserve the signal word for the really important situations of risk. “Then it fizzles out, too.”

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