According to the discussion in a Weyarner restaurant, reports the now cult-host Schanuk. He had first have to properly plug it in, before he has even hit, he says.

In the upper Bavarian Weyarn a dispute in a host, has escalated the house. A married couple complained about the food, and the host lost control. All News and Infos from Weyarn, and the Region’s wooden churches, you will find always up to date, and only with us.

Update vom 26. June 15 at:

the first-time publication in the Internet of the well-known Schanuk logs, and want to make it clear: He didn’t break the dispute from the fence. The position: Full beer garden, reduced personnel. The man from Warngau have insisted to eat at the same time with his wife, and an individually served chips fall. Because the Service lasted too long, he wanted to pay then, what did he know but later reported Schanuk. The stressed-out chef has called in his Bavarian kind of “Yeah, fuck me on A…” what the man, in the meantime, a Local came in, listened to and wildly annoyed. “I know the two that are actually nice people,” says Schanuk. He wanted to clarify the Situation with the man that suddenly stood before him and denounced him evil.

Schanuk: “So what I never experienced.”

next, what Schanuk can remember, is an elbow-blow to the woman, whereupon the host fell on the stairs and against the railing. Only after he must have a further “three to four transducer” from the man plug it in, he beat himself, so the cult-host. For this, he had witnesses who would have offered immediately active. In any case, he would like to stand as a host, chasing guests, and then the hand grip is. The Couple have insisted on a display of the police, so he has no other choice remained, as to report against the indicator. Something like that would be him, “never happened,” says Schanuk, for the rage of the otherwise peaceful guests no explanation.

Update from 26. June, 9.01 PM: Dirk Meyer from the alter Wirt in Weyarn makes it clear that he is the said host, the> guests came on Tuesday with a <strong pair to each other. Actually, the police does not distinguish, in its messages to the districts, and the economy . Restaurants, in the municipality of Weyarn, there are some, of Gotzing via Neukirchen to Fentbach.

Weyarn (Bavaria): a married couple complained about the food – Then the Situation

first message from the 25. June 2020

Weyarn – a dispute it is on Tuesday, 23. June, in a restaurant in Weyarn come. As the police Holzkirchen reports, dam a couple from Warngau to the publican , about an alleged lack of values.

After a complaint about food: a couple is haunted by a host – then the Situation

After a battle of words in the kitchen, the couple left the Restaurant . The innkeeper followed him to the outside. On the outer stairs, it came again to the clash , which escalated into fisticuffs and blows. Both sides made a criminal complaint.

TV – and-jungle-Star Matthias Mangiapane ban in a steak Restaurant. The “summer home of the Stars”-Star even called the police on the Plan.
