Some browsers can send with a permission of the user Push notifications about news or services in the Background to inform. Whom it is too much for you, you should turn it off in the browser settings of the messages.

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – In the Browser, you are likely to be any ever noticed: to requests from websites that want to get the permission of the user or of the user, in the future show notifications.

But not only those notifications a lot of nerves very, the many requests for the one or the others don’t get better even to face would. The can be set.

In Firefox, you navigate in the menu to “settings/privacy & security/permissions”. You have to click at the entry “notifications” on the “settings” Button and in the window that opens, at the very bottom is a check mark in the “New requests to Display notifications, block” and then click “save Changes”.

In Chrome it goes to the menu, to “settings/privacy & security/site settings/permissions”. There you click on “notifications” and disable the slider next to “web sites may ask whether you can receive notifications”.

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