recall of cheese: It is a health hazard due to bacteria (Listeria). Especially pregnant women are at risk.

A Bio-cut cheese is affected by a recall*.Reason a potential contamination with Listeria .Particularly for Pregnant women, the consumption can be from the affected cheese dangerous.

Kassel cheese is one of the most popular food. He likes to be topped on bread, as a casserole or on Pizza eaten. Now a popular organic, however, is cheese section of a recall* be affected.

According to data from the Federal office for consumer protection and food safety the company “Bioalpin” from down the village mountain is calling in Austria from derBisosennerei Hatzenstädt-born cheese back. Some of the controls contamination had been due to Listeria monocytogenes detected. The product is under the name of “Bio vom Berg – Tiroler Bio-Alpine farmers cheese”and”Hatzenstädter Alpine farmers cheese 25%” known.

+ recall of cheese: a health hazard! Popular Bio-sliced cheese may be contaminated with Listeria. ©Fredrik von Erichsen

recall of cheese: These products are affected

The organic cheese is not suitable for consumption. Of the callback the cheese with the date of minimum durability:


recall of cheese: product not suitable for consumption

As the Federal office for consumer declares protection and food safety, can be the from the callback affected products from consumers in the respective sale or at the company “dairy cooperative Hatzenstädt” is returned. The purchase price will be refunded to the customer without proof of purchase back.

name bioalpin Foundation April 2002FirmensitzNiederndorferberg, Austria due to the recall of possible contamination by Listeria

In the following Federal States in Germany, the Bio is called back-cutting the cheese:

Baden-württemberg Bavaria Hesse lower Saxony North Rhine-Westphalia Schleswig-Holstein

recall of cheese: Health risk due to Listeria

In the callback concerned cheese may contain the bacteria Listeria. Listeria can cause in addition to Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea after a longer incubation period, the symptoms of a flu-like infection. Especially Pregnant women, children and the immunocompromised are at risk.

In healthy people, runs the risk of listeriosis is often harmless and is noted in many cases. Many pathogens are included, however, it can lead to fever, and diarrhea. The outbreak of the disease can be made up to eight weeks after the commencement of the bacteria. In Listeria Sepsen (blood poisoning) or meningitis can cause inflammation.

recall of cheese: danger by bacteria, especially for Pregnant women

However, it can also be specially designed for Pregnant women and the unborn child is very dangerous. It can lead to preterm birth, severe damage or even a miscarriage. The Pregnant woman noticed, however, the disease often it is not.

More products from recall affected

a callback is a Norma-hand cream is concerned. The product contains bacteria – even serious infections are possible. In doing so, the”Elcurina Intensive hand cream with Shea butter & Allantoin”, which was beiNormaverkauft. Of the recall the batch number 00760 is affected.

During the inspections were occasionally been an increased number of bacteria detected. These are the germs of the kind of Pluralibacter gergoviae. Which can lead to irritation on the skin. But also severe infections in health-compromised people are possible.

Popular soft drink of the recall affected

recall of Cola: The manufacturer of a popular soft drink calls back his product. The reason: The glass bottles can explode. The consumers get their money back.

The following products are affected by the callback : The Afri-Cola with 10 Miligramm caffeine and the Afri-Cola without sugar, respectively, in the one Liter liquid barrel by the end of the glass bottle. Affected are the batches with the following minimum shelf life: 12. and 13.03.2021, 16. and 17.03.2021 and 8. and 9.06.2021.

Steaks from Aldi, Lidl, Rewe and co. in the Test: Stiftung Warentest examined pork products. The quality is often good, but the major point of criticism are the conditions of the Attitude.

By Karolin Schaefer * is part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network.