BVB-Profi Mario Götze and his wife Ann-Kathrin have recently become parents. Now there is the first baby gifts – in four-digit Euro-range.

Baby Rome is the Pride and joy of dad Mario idol and mom Ann-Kathrin . But also friends and family will enjoy the young, as well as partners . So little Junior gets to be the birth of Luxury doilies and design stuffed animals .

Dortmund – Since a few days is Ann-Kathrin Götze (30) mother of the little Rome and the father Mario idol (28) bursts out of sheer Pride. Of friends and partners the kick part of it was the first gifts to birth – and it is quite beautiful in itself, is reported *


Ann-Kathrin Götze

Born in

6. December 1989 (age 30 years) in Emmerich am Rhein


1.70 m


Influencerin and Model


Mario Götze (married since 2018)


Nils Brömmel, Sebastian Brömmel


Sabine Brömmel, Raimund Brömmel


“Body Language” (2011)

Ann-Kathrin Götze and husband Mario: Son of Rome is born in the beginning of June

at the beginning of June 2020, the small Rome has made the life of mom Ann-Kathrin Götze and Papa Mario’s* probably belonging to the head. But not only the two enjoy their first child , but also friends in a private environment, and advertising partners the two are quite enthusiastic about the young .

Usually friends and relatives (and in this case, partners) to bestow the new parents clothing and soft toys for Baby . So also in this case, in the case of götze’s, but this gifts are a bit different than in most other households (all items to celebrity and TV RUHR24*).

Ann-Kathrin Götze would like to thank Instagram, for the gifts to the birth of Rome

On Instagram wanted to thank the 30-Year-old now for all the gifts she has received in the last few weeks. Because she finds this particularly beautiful, not want to thank just private, as you explained in the Stories.

check out this post on Instagram to <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"Our son Rome was born on June 5th, We are more than blessed & Rome is doing good

A post shared by ANN-KATHRIN GÖTZE (@annkathringotze) on Jun 8, 2020 at 9:15 am PDT

From her best friend and Model Mandy Bork it was probably the most expensive gift. In addition to a card with the loving words, “Little Rome , you’re finally here, we have been looking forward so to you! We can’t expect you soon to know”, there was also a real luxury gift .

Ann-His best friend, Mandy Bork: luxury blanket for Rome Götze

For Rome it was from “aunt Mandy,” as Ann-Kathrin Götze* says, a brown blanket of the brand of Hermes, which can be found on the Internet for 1200 Euro. But, after all, a gift, by which Rome could also start at a young age.

Anders, it looks as if the Stramplerset of the designer brand Kenzo, which has received from professional football Dennis Aogo (33) and his wife, Ina (31). This Set costs around 125 euros (although currently reduced to 88 euros) and a matching hat for around 35 euros.

stuffed animal and Onesie: footballer Dennis Aogo and wife, Ina, pamper Baby Rome Götze

Who is already a parent of a child, will know that The Small grow out faster from their size, as a actually like. the Rome idol is so, can probably have just a few weeks, some of the blue Romper.

+ One of the first photos of Ann-Kathrin Götze (then Brömmel) and Mario Götze at the Oktoberfest 2013.©Felix Hörhager/dpa

This was from the football couple a sleeping bag and pet from the brand Tartine et Chocolat for aggregated nearly 200 Euro. However, the clothing brand Petit Bateau with a 20 to 50 Euro per part in comparison is quite cheap.

Instagram co-operation partner of Ann-Kathrin Götze with gifts for the son of Rome

These products, you probably get free of the company, similar to a white plush dog by Dior . The son of BVB footballer Mario Götze*, however, has got his first jewelry . This was sponsored by the brand Leo Mathild . In the small silver bracelet the boy’s Name was engraved.

But also for mom Ann-Kathrin Götze there was a gift the jewelry company. The Golden bracelet with sparkling stones costs, according to the website of the company between 2400 and 3850 euros – an expensive copy, which will hopefully keep the longer.

Rome Götze will grow up in luxury, but he will notice the difference at all?

One thing is definitely clear: Baby Rome hovers thanks to Ann-Kathrin Götze and husband Mario in the luxury of heaven. Understandable, after all, the two only want the best for your child.

But whether it’s for Rome idol makes a difference whether he snuggles up in a blanket of hermès or Ikea ? * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.