a Lot of work for the fire brigades on Sunday evening in the district of Erding: Two cars were engulfed in flames. And on the A94 a fully occupied, Opel was crashed into the middle guardrail.

some cars don’t seem to tolerate the heat. After the fire of a VW Golf on Saturday at a gas station in Dorfen (we reported), had to fight back on Sunday the fire to move out, two other vehicle fires. In the evening hours was not broken out only on the Erdinger Strasse in Hörlkofen in a Car fire, but also on the A 92 direction Munich at Gaden. The Fight Hörlkofen and long preising advanced. On the A-92, a traffic jam formed up to the connection Moosburg-Süd office. In both cases, a technical Defect may have been the cause. On the A 94 occurred shortly after the connection Pastetten point in the direction of Munich, accident to the furnace where the Fight Pastetten and Reith-HART oven ausrückten. An Opel had crashed into 18.30 in the Central guard rail. The driver and four children were the precaution taken to hospitals. ham