according to Isaac Newton, what we don’t know is an ocean. Against this ignorance, something can be done – in “Beyond Blue,” for example, a slightly different adventure game.

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – “Beyond Blue” is educational game about sea animals and offers the possibility, in the vast beauty of the Western Pacific to dive.

With the help of a High-Tech Wetsuit scan player as a marine scientist Mirai underwater animals and track Walrufe and need to keep the pressure of the deep sea stand.

the core of the game, life is real, beautiful world. Thus, the movements of the whales, which Mirai and the player after diving, for example, according to the real models, animated – that looks simply fantastic.

diving, photography, relax,

“Beyond Blue” is not a classical computer, in the case of the fixed targets or defeating opponents must be. Relaxed diving and Explore, as well as the Experience of the animals are here clearly in the foreground. With the help of underwater drones photos of the sea creatures, shells, or whale songs recorded. For example, there is the order, determined in the organs of animals to film, therefore, new research results provide.

in Between dives, we moved to a small U-boat that serves as home and done with phone calls between the Diver Mirai and her family and colleagues. In these discussions, the pollution and destruction of the oceans will be discussed again and again – so a bit of background action comes into play.

The deep ocean is shown in this mix of the adventure video game and the movie will be as probably the last unexplored frontier of mankind. Also, for younger players, this is definitely a dive worth – just like for all nature lovers and Fans rather quiet adventure.

“Beyond Blue” for E-Line Media is available for Playstation 4 and Xbox One, iOS and PC available. A Version for Nintendo Switch will follow later.

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