The Internet is full of assessment. But how trustworthy are they actually? Tips on how to Fake-can detect reviews on Google.

no Matter whether coffee machine, Smartphone, or pizza bakers – everything is now rated on the Internet with stars. However, not all reviews are genuine, and many of them a Fake is. We have compiled tips on how to identify such Fake reviews.

North Rhine-Westphalia – hit, five stars in the reviews at Amazon . So the product needs to be extremely good and when you buy, nothing can go wrong. Or is it, asks RUHR24*?

consumers organization:

Stiftung Warentest

legal form:

self-employed legal Foundation


4. December 1964, Berlin, Germany


Hubertus Primus (since 2. January 2012)



employee number:

359 (as of 2018)

reviews on Google and Amazon: Fake or real?

If the purchased product is then a few days later in the mail box, was already brought to so many people on the floor of the facts back of the reviews bitterly disappointed: The product is not good at all.

But how could this happen? Probably it is a fake customer review eaten. Because there are thousands of on the Internet – whether in Google , Amazon , Restaurants , or various hotel providers . Long ago, many Fake reviews mingle with the reviews of real consumers .

Stiftung Warentest hires at the Agency and posted Fake reviews

in Particular, in the case of Five star reviews you should, therefore, prefer twice look . Because in the meantime, dealers and agencies, it has become for many the Internet is a veritable business model , reviews buy .

Stiftung Warentest has hired incognito in such agencies and Fake reviews drafted . Also, have you tested to buy themselves positive reviews. And lo and behold, it was very easy. Ten reviews for 99 Euro.

reviews in the Internet: Who writes the Fake reviews?

Who writes but usually such Fake reviews? Firstly, there are private people who try their pocket money a little Polish. On the other, there are Tester , which features in turn, about free products .

So in the Facebook-group “ Review” the Deal that you should order his desired item at Amazon and those who rated it positively, we will return the purchase price. Sounds tempting, were it not for the bad Conscience to praise a bad product in the sky.

Critical reviews in Amazon and Google are not welcome

Stiftung Warentest, which have recently also pig meat into the visor*, also wanted to know how the agencies deal with critical reviews . Hasn’t arrived at all well.

The agencies intervened and requested consistently positive reviews . How, exactly, the fake reviews are created and published, it is to be found in the case of Stiftung Warentest (payment item).

Fake reviews at Amazon and Google: The must have item to consumers

How can you protect yourself as a consumer now, but before wrong reviews at Google and Amazon ? As a customer, not being able to use mounts for the false reviews on the Internet and when Shopping Online, it is in any case heavier. Often, they are deceptively real.

But there are some anomalies, such as the Fakes expose . The Federal government, or consumer portals as well as Foundation test have, therefore, concentrated a few tips.

+ product reviews on the Internet: Deceptively real, but not always true. ©Andrea Warnecke / dpa

Fake detect reviews on the Internet: s

is An indication that you are dealing with a Fake review, is, if were delivered to all Top reviews of a product within shortest time . In this case, it is obvious that a manufacturer has appointed an Agency to be star profile burnish .

Also suspicious you should be, if a product is striking many reviews , although it is only recently available on the market (more News from the Service Department of RUHR24*).

reviews in Amazon and Google: beware of long reviews

caution before long review text . While it may seem commendable that a customer has made the effort to write a detailed Review. But let’s be honest, in the rarest of cases, to take the time – unless you get something in return.

So also here you should be on the alert. Terms from the advertising before or it is made to use by the family and friends, come in addition, yet you can be sure: This is a incorrect or purchased rating .

Who is not yet sure whether it is the assessment of a Fake or not, can view the profile the Assessor even more accurate. This shows what he has been rated and how. Were measured within a short period of time, ten of headphones, and eight kitchen mixer with similar texts, this is relatively suspicious.

product reviews: independent test of the portals of trust

If you are not on the reviews in Internet trust, how to find or else to cope in the mass of products when Shopping Online?

The Federal government recommends test reports from independent banks , such as Foundation test goods to look at. Here, various products can be tested and compared with each other. Another indication may be the message “ verified K on ” in addition to the evaluation. This suggests that the evaluator has purchased the product actually. * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

section list image:©Karl-Josef Hildenbrand, Franziska Gabbert / dpa, Collage: RUHR25