The tourism industry going through an unprecedented crisis because of the outbreak of coronavirus. The professionals of the sector in Corsica, thought to pass a quiet summer, away from the usual activity of the island of beauty. If although car rental companies are facing a shortage of vehicles, as explained in Le Parisien.

The authorities had at the same time considered an arsenal to avoid that this protected area will become a cluster giant : passport health, the placing in quarantine of arrivals tested positive, or multiplication of tests in airports.

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But these measures are never entered into force and the tourists arrive on the island without much supervision. At the airport of Bastia-Poretta, this is the rat race, as explained by the daily. Tourist traffic reached a level that is unexpected and travelers find themselves on the tarmac without being able to find a car to get to their hotel or their summer residence.

Problems of the supply of vehicles

The different actors are struggling to explain this shortage. During the confinement, the hosts would have banked on a drastic decrease of the demand, according to the explanation of some professionals. Therefore, inventories have been reduced. Jean-Noël Filippi, managing director of the company Hertz in Corsica, suggests another reason : a logistical problem that is not of their jurisdiction.

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” A part of our fleet is blocked in Marseille. The factories of our suppliers were at a standstill for months, and as they produce abroad, the supply takes a long time. Unfortunately,on an island, one is always dependent of the continent, ” he explained to the Parisien. According to him, Hertz has planned ” as many cars as last year, building on the July and August “. Lack of ability to rent a car in a professional, tourists rely on sites such as Leboncoin, where the vehicles are sold at price of gold.

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