A page will turn in Ineos. Chris Froome will leave the team for which he ran for ten years, at the end of his contract, which has not been renewed. The british cyclist will join the next year training in Israel Start-Up Nation, a new entrant in the World Tour, the highest level of the cycling world. “The israeli team, and the legendary champion will sign on the 1st of August a contract length that will Froome wear the blue and white jersey ISN’t until the end of his illustrious career “, promises the team in a press release.

The outcome seems logical, as the competition had become keen in recent years within Ineos, training is often described as a steamroller, with whom he won four Tours de France. In 2018, his team-mate and compatriot Geraint Thomas had been preferred to play the victory in the Great Loop, before the emergence in 2019 the Colombian Egan Bernal, winner of the event at the age of 22.

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Serious injury due 2019

” Chris is with us from the beginning. This is a great champion and we have shared many memorable moments, but I think it is the right decision for the team and for Chris. He wished logically to be the unique leading of the team in the next part of his career, which is not something we can guarantee him “, clearly explained Brailsford, boss of Ineos, Thursday.

The serious injury and multiple fractures resulting from a fall in June 2019 the native of Nairobi (Kenya), and the uncertainty surrounding his ability to find his best level have undoubtedly accelerated the end of the cycle that began at Sky in 2010. The Uk has certainly not ceased to mention his motivation to go looking for a fifth Tour de France from 29 August to 19 September, but it will be strong again to do this year with Bernal and Thomas, they are not necessarily ready to give him back leadership of the team.

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” It was ten years phenomenal with the team. We have accomplished a lot of things together and I’ll always have memories. I look forward to meeting new and exciting challenges as I enter the next phase of my career, but, in the meantime, my goal is to win a fifth Tour de France with the team Ineos “, a-t-he, however, reacted after the announcement of the end of his collaboration with the team. At the end of April in an interview with The Team, he had also expressed his dream to win more Tours de France than anyone.”

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Winner of the Vuelta and the Giro d’italia

But saw his contract not renewed with the team, the most powerful of the pack, Froome will necessarily review its level of ambition in sporting terms from 2021 onwards. At age 35, his best years are behind him after having everything swept under the colors of Sky and then to Ineos. In addition to his four tour de France (2013, 2015, 2016, 2017), Froome was also awarded to the two other Grand Tours, the Vuelta (2011, 2017) and the Giro d’italia in 2018.

His time at Sky will also be marked by a doping case. It is, in fact, tested positive to salbutamol at the end of the 18th stage of the Tour of Spain in 2017 before being cleared by the international cycling Union (UCI) just five days before the start of the Tour de France 2018. This case, as well as the suspicions surrounding the domination of team Sky, widely contributed to blur his image, even if Froome has always denied the use of prohibited substances.

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