It’s not like Dunja Hayali would only be in the “old media” such as television and reading the newspaper. No, the militant journalist leads – very diligently – for example, almost every day, a longer four-eyes-conversations on your Instagram Account, since Corona has the world in its grip.

as of Thursday, 16. July, is the 46-to see Year after a long break, again with your talk magazine in the ZDF. Hayali, who was born in Datteln and Iraqi roots has been addressed in the past in the social media “haters like to profess,” often with overt racism.

ZDF / Svea Pietschmann Teleschau Dunja Hayali: “An indictment of Facebook, Twitter and co.”

That it’s writer of hate comments in the future due to the stricter user rules of the major platform operators is to have a tougher time to spread their poison on social networks, brings Hayali, however, no satisfaction. “The fact that certain platforms will now respond,” she says in an Interview with the news Agency of the tele look, “is great, but you yourself have contributed nothing to this development.

The media companies only respond to economic pressure, because advertisers do not want to invest more in this environment. Ultimately, it is an indictment of Facebook, Twitter and co.”

Dunja Hayali: “Not as in anti-social media”

Hayali is known that you are looking for with your critics to the conversation. An interesting effect arises in the personal encounter. “First of all, you have to be careful not to confuse the anti-social media with the way people treat each other. Usually they are in real life significantly more pleasant and polite.”

In their mission to fill in for the time being, only the summer break of the “Maybrit Illner”, would like to Hayali address issues that have come during that time, as a Corona of all the Talks to be dominated, perhaps too short to do yet with the new reality: care’s misery, domestic violence and German education, revealed during the Home Schoolings again very clearly his problems, could become subjects of the five Hayali Talks.

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*The contribution of “Dunja Hayali rails against “anti-social media”: “Ultimately, it is a poverty certificate”” is published by the tele look. Contact with the executives here.

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