” We can become again a great industrial nation, grace and ecology. “Emmanuel Macron, on the 14th of July ? Indeed. But the formula was so well-turned, it seems, that the Prime minister has chosen to take the word close, this Wednesday, in his policy statement before an Assembly sometimes chahuteuse… Illustration of the first challenge for Jean Castex : “reconcile” a nation fractured. In the entourage of the head of State, it is assumed that you have a little more than “weighed” on the speech, written under close supervision of the Elysée palace. After the crisis of the yellow Vests, who sent him into the wall of the reforms perceived as major, and while the French are beginning to live in fear of a next outbreak of unemployment, it explains want to address as a priority in this France that “feels dispossessed” : the one who has fear of losing his job, is concerned about the rise of communitarianism, feared for his safety… A France that would grant more in the style of old-fashioned and reassuring, Jean Castex, that in the ecosystem of the ‘ start-up nation “. Not members of parliament : they have approved his declaration with 345 votes in favour (absolute majority was 262 votes), when 363 of them had approved the last speech delivered by his prédescesseur Edouard Philippe, on June 12, 2019.

The method of government needs to change (that is, as well as the president intends to ” reinvent “.) But the background of the program ? No. For a time, the new Prime minister was therefore dressed with the road map set by the Elysium of his sing-song accent of the soil, dwelling at length on the “method” that this elected field is supposed to embody : no more to glorify France “first on the rope” pulling the mass of the other. “There are a lot of French people who feel far away and left behind. The France of the suburbs, the rural France, the France of the valleys, that of Overseas, France device… These France-there are in our country, as much as the France of the success. “

Read also Economy : Jean Castex manages the stewardship

The word “territories” speech twenty-five times

In his speech, without luster, vitreous to formulas familiar and reassuring – those ” who do not say anything, but that does not think less than “, ” sense “, ” efficiency “, ” conditions “… –, one word stands out : “territories “, delivered not less than twenty-five times. “The territories, it is the life of the people. Liberating the territories, it is liberating energy “, hammered Jean Castex, including the promise of the “reset” has been applauded on the benches : lessons from the health crisis, which has seen the State become entangled in its orders of material and logistical challenges, have been drawn. “Taken from the top, all the subjects become objects or posture of the division. But treaties starting from the bottom, […] then this changes everything. “As promised by the president for the past several months, a” new stage in decentralization, “will be the start of construction, in consultation with the local authorities, and the powers of the couple “mayor-prefect” strengthened. In the immediate future, “all the creations of jobs that will be authorized” by the next finance bill ” will be affected, unless a justified exception, in the departmental services “, and “none in the central government,” promised Jean Castex. A “revolution” which, like the other projects launched, Wednesday, by the Prime minister, will have to find its translation in the facts.

Read also Jean Castex, a “swiss army knife” at Matignon

As if the method – consultation with the social partners, elected representatives, the ” forces vives “, the French… – is clear, its practical impact on the future reforms remains difficult to predict. This Friday, Jean Castex, intends to bring together all the social partners ” to try to agree on a method and a calendar of discussions and consultations on all topics that are on the table “. In detail : recovery plan, pension reform, reform of the unemployment insurance plan for the youth, plan great age, decentralization… unless you focus magically six weeks in the single day of Friday, it is difficult to see how the horizon could be quickly clarified on the fate of these reforms, they have been put on hold by the challenge and by the health crisis, or made necessary by the complete blockage, for more than three months, of the economy. “We have 600 days to build the foundations of the France of tomorrow. “A challenge, when the application on the ground of the recovery plan depends in part on the new architecture of the powers that will be devised with the local authorities, or of the future state of social security accounts – depending on what is to be kept, or not, of the pension reform.

The form, more than the bottom

In the meantime, the Prime minister is therefore more to the form, at the bottom, striving to provide collateral in “France” that suffer more than others. Six billion euros will be invested in the health system, he promises, adding to the 13 billion euros of debt assumption hospital. An outstanding feature of reducing the cost of the work will be put in place, ” for at least a year “, for young people under 25 years of age, whose future was abruptly swept away by the crisis. The allocation of back-to-school will be re-evaluated outstanding 100 euros from September. And while Emmanuel Macron had not said a word on Tuesday of violence in two districts of Dijon or of the barbaric attack against a bus driver in Bayonne, a silence particularly commented on, Jean Castex, has been requested to rectify the situation. With, this time, the accents clearly borrowed from Nicolas Sarkozy, of whom he was the right arm at the Elysée palace, Jean Castex promises a response “firm and uncompromising” to “minorities ultraviolentes” that poison the “daily” of the French, and promises the creation of “judges of proximity” in the territories, in charge of repressing the ” incivilities of everyday life.” A function created in 2002 by the keeper of the Seals of the time, Dominique Perben, but suppressed by the current government… in the summer of 2017.

And if Emmanuel Macron has often appeared to hesitate over how to fight the radicalisations and political islam, anxious of the possible amalgam, his Prime minister, right, him, swear not to tremble : “The Republic is laïcité as a core value, as the spearhead of the cohesion of the society “, he started, promising to re-entry ” a bill against separatism “. If the outlines are still blurred, the tone is set : Jean Castex – and Elysium – have been heard to their right wing. There are only 600 days before the end of the quinquennium. Six hundred days only, so that the French could see, on the ground, a real improvement in their daily lives, while the crisis comes sweeping economic outcomes are still in their infancy the first years of the mandate. Six hundred days, and € 100 billion, for a super-running obtain each component of the nation that it is” committed “, and descend on the ground screw itself, at need, the bolts recalcitrant…

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general policy Speech of Jean Castex : what to remember