This is a very large deal which was discovered Wednesday afternoon on the social network Twitter. Accounts of numerous celebrities, but also companies like Apple and Uber have been the victims Wednesday afternoon a hacking massive to cryptomonnaies. Messages, quickly erased by the targeted accounts, would invite particular users to send bitcoins to specific addresses, claiming to return in exchange for the double of the amounts transferred. “Happy Wednesday ! I offer bitcoins to all my subscribers. I double all the payments sent to the bitcoin address below”, and in particular have been able to read the users of Twitter on the account of Elon Musk, the mercurial boss of Tesla.

the accounts of The co-founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, the boss of Amazon Jeff Bezos, the democratic candidate in the presidential election, Joe Biden or former mayor of New York Mike Bloomberg, have posted during a time of messages with the similar content. “We can confirm that this tweet was not sent by Bill Gates. It seems to be part of a broader problem that Twitter is facing. Twitter is aware of and works to restore the account,” said a spokesperson for Bill Gates to Agence France-Presse.

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Twitter has in effect said to “examine” the situation and was assured that a statement would soon be released. The company’s stock fell 4 % on Wall Street in electronic trading after the close.

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