We already knew it, but it is confirmed. The recovery of public accounts is not the priority of the government. And part of that is normal : with the crisis, we must at all costs avoid austerity so as not to suffocate its ability to rebound and, on the contrary, amplify it with the stimulus package to come.

This last will not be released until 24 August, but the government figure of $ 100 billion over two years, $ 50 billion in 2021, a sum extended (and not added) in 2022. But, according to Bercy, the sum could be greater by 2021, and then less the following year in order to” anticipate a maximum ” its economic effects. In the absence of this plan, at the end of next year, the ministry of Economy and Finance table on a level of GDP is 4 percentage points lower than the end of 2019. With this envelope of $ 50 billion per year, funded by the european agreement obtained by Emmanuel Macron to Brussels, to the tune of 40 billion euros, the goal is to ” return to the pre-crisis situation at the expiry of the quinquennium, in 2022. All countries go into debt at the same time and the euro area benefits from the unwavering commitment of the european central Bank to keep interest rates very low, or even nil.

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This recovery plan will be well separated from the rest of the budget for the next year. Its expenditure will be presented in a “mission” to share for more transparency. Thursday, July 23, Bercy has therefore unveiled the budget appropriations that should be granted to different departments, which are regarded as ” the expenses that can be driven from the State “, out recovery plan. And their review shows that the valves have been opened. The next year, the spending departments of the State will grow from 7.2 billion euros compared to the initial budget act for 2020, an increase of 2.6% to $ 286,5 billion euros. The previous year, the increase was only 5.9 billion, according to Bercy. The efforts on public expenditure will, therefore, be held a year, in 2018 (and the end of 2017) before the release started after the crisis of the yellow Vests.

staffing levels

A glance at the same document introduced the previous year to fully appreciate this release. In 2019, at the time of preparing the budget 2020, Bercy was counting on spending “flyable” of 278.4 billion in 2021. The gap has thus reached more than 8 billion euros, out recovery plan… Like François Hollande, had put the kibosh to the budgetary effort in 2016, just before the end of its mandate, Emmanuel Macron the fact that in 2021, one year before the election. In an economic context, it is true, far different, which warrants a fiscal policy much more loose.

part of the reason is that the jobs in the public sector. In this period of crisis, the government is not going to apply the deletions of posts – already modest – that had been scheduled. The next year, the workforce is expected to remain stable in the public service of the State, then he would have had to remove 5 210 two years (2021 and 2022) to reach the target of 10 500 deletions of positions posted last year. A goal far short of the 120 000 planned job cuts at the beginning of the quinquennium. At Bercy, we promise that this stability is temporary, it is linked only to the crisis and that positions held are not perennial. “We can reduce by 2021 the projected path to face a specific charge related to the crisis and in a form that does not weigh sustainably on public employment “, justifie-t-on…

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Almost all the missions of the State are seeing their budget increase, except those dedicated to the veterans (and for good reason, they are less numerous !), the mission cohesion of territories, with savings scheduled for a long time on the housing, the “management of public finances and human resources” thanks to the ongoing restructuring at the ministry of Finance and mission social schemes and pensions, or the public audiovisual sector, for amounts very low. The budgets of the armed forces (+ 1.7 billion), justice (+ 400 million), ecology (+ 550-million) are rising, as well as that of national Education, through the mission school education (+ 1.34 billion). “Everything is priority “, has ironisé Éric Woerth, president of The Republican of the Finance committee in the national Assembly. “We can’t all of a sudden be a country that exempts itself from any financial constraint as if it no longer existed. “

” there will Come the time for standardization of expenditure and revenue, but it is not necessary to reverse the order of the priorities “, says one at Bercy in reviewing this maturity in the medium term. Not before 2022, so. What contribute to the fight against the crisis, but also to promote a re-appointment of Emmanuel Macron.

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To do away with the bureaucracy