” a never-before-seen “, according to Prime minister Jean Castex. The latter was presented on Thursday 23 July its plan for youth employment, in the amount of 6.5 billion euros. It should be applied during the next two years. The flagship measure : an aid of € 4 000 for a year to employers to encourage the hiring of 450 000 young people here in January 2021. It is a premium for any young person under 25 years of age, on a contract of at least three months and up to 2 times the minimum wage. The government also hopes the signing of 230 000 apprenticeship contracts and 100 000 professionalization contracts. It is also planned to create 100 000 new spaces in civic service, 300 000 “pathways to integration” and 200 000 additional places in training programs.

This plan is intended to respond to the arrival of 700 000 to 800 000 young people on the labour market, ” in re-complicated “, according to the Prime minister, who presented the plan after the visit of a centre of training of apprentices in Besançon, where it has increased exchanges with the young people. The plan also incorporates the aid, already in force since the 1st of July, for the hiring of young people, in alternation, by the end of February : 5 000 euros for an apprentice or a professional contract under the age of 18 years, 8,000 euros for an adult.

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the return of The “assisted contracts”

For young people who fail in higher education, 100 000 qualifying training or préqualifiantes will be proposed “in the jobs of the future” (ecological transition, health, digital, priority areas of the recovery plan). In addition, the plan will also mark the return of “assisted contracts” in the commercial sector, which had been removed in 2017 by the new majority (except overseas), but targeting on the young people most distant from employment.

Are well provided for 60 000 ” contract initiative employment (CIE) for young people with special difficulties of insertion, a portion of whose salary is funded by the State. In the voluntary sector or public, assisted contracts (” career jobs skills “, the number of 94 000 in 2019) will be increased from 60 000 in 2021. The plan also calls for a 150 000 entries in youth guarantee by 2021 (compared to 100,000 originally programmed), a device insertion is managed by the local missions for young people not in employment or training, with a support reinforced for a year and a monthly stipend of 497 euros.

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