More than 1.2 million people have to see on Wednesday night as five of the mothers in the new Sat.1-Format “mother make Porno” trying to create the perfect porn movie for your children.

“no Matter how provocative the sounds that we want to turn as a maternal Porn,” says the 44-year-old mother Karina, who posed in 1994 as a Playmate in Playboy in the camera. “We want to educate other mothers, and above all our children: don’t Look into something so horrible, but if it does, then a regular Porn.” Exciting, but just no time?

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Two episodes of the TV makers will accompany you and four other mothers on the way to the “educational” Porn “With people who look like you and I, who meet on eye-level, passionate, and respectful”, such as a satellite.1, the project announced enthusiastically.

  • click here to read the FOCUS-Online-TV-column to make “mothers Porno”

education: Yes; moms turn to porn: no

But such a thing can work at all? “No,” says Heike Melzer, specialist in neurology and a psychotherapist from Munich. In an interview with FOCUS Online, you declared: “for this reason Alone because kids will watch no Porn is you from your mother as a ‘good Porn’ pre -.”

Similar to Michael Schulte-Markwort, Director of the clinic for child and adolescent psychiatry expresses, psychotherapy and psychosomatics at the University hospital in Hamburg: “This is completely absurd,” says he to FOCUS Online. “That we the middle ages are in dealing with sexuality and pornography in children and adolescents is not clear. Also, that we need to think about more thoughts.“ Of a Format in which mothers Porn for your children to create, keeps the youth psychiatrist but nothing.

“For me, it is easy to bad too, how easily children get on a smart phone porn”, explains Jasmine, 36 years old and mother of two children, their motivation to participate in the project.

That more and more children and adolescents consume on your Smartphone, pornographic content, also know Heike Melzer. In practice, the cases of children, adolescents, and young adults that have developed because of their high porn consumption, serious problems are piling up. “The WHO has recognized compulsive sexual disorders as a mental illness in the population that, unfortunately, is insufficiently known.”

porn reach of children

“Even primary school pupils nowadays are looking for porn. I have clients who are already at the beginning of their puberty is porn addictive“, says the Doctor, who has specialized in your practice in Couple and sex therapy. Porn is a serious Problem, often could be harmless, dismissed, and ridiculed – but with devastating consequences for the Affected people of addiction. “Don’t be a spoilsport” and similar sayings porn addicts are driven even further into Addiction: “This is, as you would give an alcoholic a beer in front of the nose, and him say the same thing – that would make no one.” To expert

Heike Melzer is a doctor of neuroscience and psychotherapist with a private practice in Munich. There, she specialized in Sex and couple therapy. In 2018, she published her book “focus – the new sexual Revolution”, in which she deals with the change of sexuality and intimacy, as well as with the influence of the ever-growing porn industry adopts it.

for More information:

To the book on Amazon “focus – the new sexual Revolution” by Heike Melzer To the book at Amazon

Melzer warns, however, of porn from the ground up to demonize: “porn can be quite informative, artistically, aesthetically, and inspiring to be. The stimulus intensity but has become stronger and stronger, and the crowd is on the push of a button for the consumption of Europe.“ And similar to that of granulated sugar or alcohol, the rule is “The dose makes the poison.”

“Just the adolescent brain is particularly stimuli prone to strong Reward, the adventure, excitement, and variety promise,” explains Melzer. Unfortunately, the impulse control is fully developed in puberty is still a lack of. “The young people who have no strong self-esteem, problems in school or with parents and have a problematic environment, escape into porn as a place of good feelings.”

porn can look like a drug-to-noise to be

There were young people, who have seen 16 years ago, “everything”, even material Abuse on the Darknet. “Pornography affects what we want and can,” says the expert.

“see If we surround ourselves with constantly changing strong sexual Stimuli on the touch of a button, then we can be blunt in the framework of the development of Tolerance and Dose escalation is always abgefahreneres Material. More and more often, always harder Material, many hundreds of hours, far before the first kiss.“ On Masturbation techniques, settled the case, it is difficult for the real Porn Junkies out there then, for it to work at all.

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porn evoke a topsy-turvy reality and make Normal boring

“porn is ubiquitous,” explains the Doctor. Extraordinary, such as BDSM, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and fetishes to be “Mainstream”, so usual. Especially popular with young Hentai “Videos, in which especially strong stimuli are used, which can not be represented in real scenes with people”: oversized eyes, huge sexual organs, and fantasies of the most adventurous categories are found here – the digital world makes it possible.

therapist takes parents to task: What you want for your children,

not criticized, and that parents inform their children of the dangers. “I have an Eleven-year Yes no liquor in front of the nose.” Parents should speak according to the expert, first of all, with each other and inform themselves. A lot of small, gentle conversation, at this point advisable.

That it’s a Benefit has, if five of the mothers in “mothers Porn make” got together and made a porn movie for their children’s turn, she doubts, however: “The plays and the stations ratings, because here, too, the voyeur resonates relativistic view of the spectator.” A Good got it but: “The issue is being discussed in the Public more.”

it is Important to accompany children in their development carefully, and to strengthen. Today, the art consists rather in the reduction: “I give to my daughter on the way, she doesn’t have to be everyone’s favorite. “No,” and “delimitation” are extremely important, and I would always put on quality rather than quantity.” This applies to both Sex, as well as for many other areas in life. “However, parents should be open and in advance notify, because otherwise the children will explain to you very quickly the world and waving – according to the Motto: My parents are just embarrassing and not at all up-to-date”.

More on the topic of educating childhood researchers demands: to stop, to educate your children. Brain scientist explains: This is the secret of a happy Childhood brain researcher: warns parents of stealing children, the most important experience in Childhood childhood researchers: Our System makes the children of broken

kids need space for your own imagination

“A child who already has a lot of Porn has seen films or other pornographic content, will be deprived of his own imagination,” explains the mother of two and a specialist in neurology. “You can be in your first real sexual experience, less creative, because the fantasies are at the top of the porn worlds mingled.”

applies in General, as with all addictions: children from stable parents house, have friends, Hobbies and interests in analog life, are less prone to problematic use of pornography.

“There are no rules”: Majorca-Star appalled by the Dutch section at the ball man FOCUS Online “There are no rules”: Majorca-Star appalled by the Dutch section at the ball man