users of Samsung or Huawei phones were not at all or too late to have been warned in case of doubt of the Corona-Warning-App, told the blade on Thursday evening. Reason is that on Smartphones with Android operating system, the necessary continuous background update of the Warning, the App exhibited to date automatically, as long as the App was not open. The phone should save power.

Oliver Berg/dpa CHIP Corona

A spokesman for the software company SAP, which had co-developed the App, told the newspaper: “There was, in fact, a Problem with earlier versions of the Corona-Warning App in background app refresh on Android devices.” Also the Robert Koch-Institute, the the App out there, told the newspaper: “The automatic adjustment in the Background was suppressed by a part of Android Smartphones.”

The Ministry of health referred the report to a new Version of the App, which came out on Wednesday: “With the release of Version 1.1.1 of the Corona-Warning-App the Problem is resolved.” A “slider” to let the App permanently arming.

The App is designed to help the chain of Infection follow up and interrupt. Also, you can help ensure that people receive after a Coronavirus Test as quickly as possible, your test result will be digital and on the App anonymously possible contact persons can warn if they have installed the App.

Professor Hannes Federrath, President of the society for computer science, spoke to the “Bild”newspaper from a very annoying error that “could be dangerous for the health” of the consumer. He lays the blame, therefore, in the case of the Smartphone manufacturers.

*The contribution of “millions of Android users affected: Corona-Warning App has not released” is warned of Contact with the executives here.