In June, started the Corona-Warning-App in Deutschland for Android and iOS, about 16 million users have already downloaded. Now you run into a Problem with the App (we reported). For users of Android Smartphones from Samsung and Huawei on the way, or not to be treated as background activities, to warnings in the Infected showed up immediately on the smart phone of the affected user. In Clear Text? Perhaps the Corona was not warned-Warn-App users.

image: CHIP/Getty images/antos777/ CHIP Corona

this is caused by a technology, for some smartphone manufacturers are already for months or years in the review: the battery optimization. The issue speak to the developers, already known for a long time – a corresponding note have Android users at the first Start of the App. In addition, presumably only very few users are affected – this is because the exchange of keys works also in spite of battery optimization. In the current Version 1.1.1 the optimization can now be directly in the Corona-Warning-App disable.

battery optimization: What is it?

What do you mean with battery optimization, so it is clear: Every smartphone manufacturer is eager, as much as possible to conserve battery so the runtime will be longer. A commonly used, but users are not just popular method of manufacturer is to close the Background running Apps easy. This has several disadvantages: messages arrive only when you open the respective App, or Push notifications will not be delivered. With the aggressive Samsung and Huawei are the most here.

This optimization of the Corona-Warning may relate to App. This is completed in the Background, can send the App, no Push notifications, and more. The functionality – so the Exchange of keys with other Smartphones – but it will run at the system level and is not affected. Only affects the Download of the keys of infected user and Send alerts, if the user has taken an infected Person. This feature was re-enabled as soon as user opened the App.

In the Reports, the speech of the millions of affected users – that may be true, if you look at the distribution of Samsung and Huawei devices in Germany. However, caution: Not every user of such a device is also a victim of battery optimization. In the case of different CHIP-editors, the use of a Smartphone from Huawei, or Samsung, is running the Corona App despite battery optimization in the Background.

in Addition, one must note that the exchange of keys, in spite of battery optimization to continue as normal. The only Feature that did not work, is the balance of keys infected persons, if the user has not opened the App recently at all. When you Open the key had been synchronized in the normal, a SAP spokesperson to Heise. Anonymous statistics about App show that about 600 people have reported their infection to the App – the number directly affected users is likely to be so limited.

In the everyday life of the battery optimization of various smartphone manufacturers is annoying – sure, you get messages only when you open WhatsApp, and Push notifications are often a thing of the impossibility. It is, however, essential services such as the Corona-Warning-App, it is really critical. There is a clear need for the producers: Even if perhaps only a couple of warnings later, may not happen. After all, it is commendable that at least Huawei has announced that the Corona-Warning App from the battery optimization to be excluded.

How can I disable the battery optimization?

With Version 1.1.1 of the Corona-Warning App brings the Android version is now an Option to save the detour via the Smartphone’s settings. On the menu in the top right takes you to the App settings. Select the item “Priority background activity”. This is turned off, activate it.

Who would like to have more accurate control over the battery optimization, but also to his Smartphone settings. Here, you can access it via the “Apps” or “applications” on the installed Apps, and select the desired App. With a click on “battery” you get to the battery settings, under where the battery optimization is. You can disable this for an App that is not restricted to the background activity.

How many users are actually affected?

In the Reports, the speech of the millions of affected users – that may be true, if you look at the distribution of Samsung and Huawei devices in Germany. However, caution: Not every user of such a device is also a victim of battery optimization. In the case of different CHIP-editors, the use of a Smartphone from Huawei, or Samsung, is running the Corona App despite battery optimization in the Background.

in Addition, one must note that the exchange of keys, in spite of battery optimization to continue as normal. The only Feature that did not work, is the balance of keys infected persons, if the user has not opened the App recently at all. When you Open the key had been synchronized in the normal, a SAP spokesperson to Heise. Anonymous statistics about App show that about 600 people have reported their infection to the App – the number directly affected users is likely to be so limited.

*The post “did not Work in the Corona-Warning-App ? Behind the error,” published by Contact with the executives here.