In the US Congress is a tough course to American technology giants, which may have stricter rules to limit their market power. In the case of a more than five-hour hearing in a Subcommittee of the U.S. house of representatives, the conservation of both Democrats and Republicans a shot to the leaders of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google.

Reuters, Jeff Bezos is the US Congress switched

The hearing had convinced him that these companies had in their current Form, a “monopoly of Power”, – said the Chairman of the sub-Committee for competition and economic law, David Cicilline. “Some should be smashed, others it is necessary to adjust adequately.” Their control over the market, allowing you to be competitive, to suppress. “This must end.” The judiciary Committee hearing at the end of the sub-Committee is now drafting a report with recommendations.

Republicans feel deprived

Democrats and Republicans to interfere at different things. The issues of democratic Congressman focused mainly on the allegation of unfair competition with competitors. Republicans on the Committee took advantage of the time, however, to again denounce that Online companies conservative views are oppressed. The US President, Donald Trump claimed, among other things, again and again. He threatened on Twitter with presidential orders against the Tech companies to proceed to the Congress, not enough grip. AP The hearing before the US Congress by Video-Unlock

carried out So Google chief Sundar Pichai was asked by the Deputy Greg Steube, why his election-Mails ended up in his own father automatically in the Gmail Spam folder. The Deputy Jim Jordan demanded that Pichai assurances that the Internet group will not help the democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Bezos with gaps in knowledge

The Democrats participated in a question and answer session, especially the founders and heads of Facebook, and Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos, in the lack of. So Bezos with questions, was overwhelmed as to whether Amazon will sell data of traders use, the Goods on the platform of the group, in order to make you own competition. The Amazon chief said, while there are internal rules against it, he could not but guarantee that you had never been injured.

in Addition, Bezos could not exclude, that on Amazon’s platform also stolen items had been sold. Overall, his responses showed how far he is now from the daily business of the world’s largest Online retailer has detached. So Bezos did not know, for example, whether dealers that sell on Amazon’s platform, you need to specify telephone numbers.

Facebook bought competitors

In the case of Facebook, the questioner focused on the Acquisitions of the photo platform Instagram and the chat service WhatsApp. The Deputy, Joseph Neguse brought Zuckerberg to say that Instagram and WhatsApp, as supplemented, only the offers of the Online network, but also competitors had been. This admission might be, under certain circumstances, competition law is relevant. This is a graphic from an internal Facebook was displayed-presentation, in which it was stated, on the Basis of Figures from the year 2011, on the Online network accounted for 95 percent of Social Media revenue in the United States.

Apple CEO Tim Cook got in comparison to less hard questions. They focussed mainly on whether or not Apple developers of competing Apps in its Download platform at a disadvantage, and App providers to high details of course.

Unfamiliar environment

The four Top managers were connected via video conference to the hearings in Washington. The Corona-crisis pushed the date stamp. The group leaders had to assure that you behind the camera, no staff to help. The deputies had to wear outside of your allotted time masks. “Put on your mask!”, they were admonished several times. Bezos under the same error as many of the home workers supply, however, in the Corona-crisis: He spoke at an answer straight on, without turning off the mute.

even before the first questions, it was clear that the members opposite are the Online companies is very critical. “Our founders not bowed to the king, just as we should not bow to the emperors of the Online economy”, said the democratic politician Cicilline. Democrat Jamie Raskin spoke in reference to the “robber barons” – the powerful and ruthless American capitalists of the 19th century. Century – of “Cyber-barons”.
