“it would be a damage to the party as a Whole. And in the group of all should understand, that to you is a matter of loyalty to Andreas Kalbitz enough now surely to advantage.”

That Kalbitz’s going on now before the ordinary courts against his expulsion, commenting on Meuthen left emphasized. “The party internally, the process is completed. Mr Kalbitz is no longer a member. And if he wants to call a civil court, then he should go all the way.”

said warnings of a split in the right-wing populist party Meuthen: “We have, in the case Kalbitz dissent, triggering significant unrest and dispute in the party. Sometimes it must be. My firm objective is that we have pacified until the end of the year the party to the extent that we are able to go fights of the year 2021 closed in the election.”

Höcke a coward?

Kalbitz was one of the leaders of the officially now defunct “wing” of the Thuringian AfD-country – and group Höcke Chairman Björn; the protection of the Constitution classifies the flow as a “secured right-wing extremist aspirations”.

About Höcke said Meuthen, this is not a Federal politician, but by the media in a role not written, he didn’t hold. In addition, Höcke represent positions that were not his. “If the Lord wants to make Höcke Federal policy – and the claim he formulated everywhere, then he should run once, for the Federal Board and is best to fight with me.” But I made Höcke never, although he had asked him on several occasions. “Björn Höcke not dare from his Thuringian territory of the district.”

the AfD’s Deputy with Gender-Tweet ridiculous FOCUS Online/Wochit AfD Deputy with Gender-Tweet ridiculous
