Football. Beaten 1-0 at Lyon in the away game, Juventus is in equilibrium very precarious before the 8th finals of the champions League scheduled Friday in Turin. The “Old Lady” will get over as often to Cristiano Ronaldo in order to avoid an elimination, which would be disastrous. After the containment has shown that Juventus could be fragile. Rudi Garcia and the Lyonnais have necessarily noticed. Has the go, they have carried out their boat in the face of Turin, already poor and are in a position of strength : a goal scored would put the Italians in immense difficulty.

Read also The match OL–Juventus, the gateway to the coronavirus in Lyon ?

Weather. After a first episode of heat wave on Thursday, the mercury will still climb sharply Friday, with highs in “37°to 40 ° C, very locally 41°C to 42°C, Country of the Loire in the Poitou-Charentes to Aquitaine and a large part of Occitania, approaching probably of the records by locations,” announced Météo-France by placing Thursday, 45 departments in orange alert, the South-West to the Hauts-de-France, passing through the paris region.

also Read Heat wave : how to cope with the strong heat

Constitution. expected Decision of the constitutional Council on safety measures for the terrorists to come out of prison. The Parliament had finally adopted the 27th of July last, by a final vote by show of hands of the Assembly, a bill LREM controversial providing “security measures” for condemned for terrorism, at the end of their sentence. The president of the national Assembly Richard Ferrand (LREM) had immediately announced that he was gripping the constitutional Council of this text to check the “conciliation” between “the prevention of harm to the public order” and respect for ” freedoms constitutionally guarantees “.

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Astronomy. “The Nights of the stars” come back Friday until Sunday and will play extra-time with three evenings the particular star due to the health crisis, and Mars guest star. Every year, between mid-July and mid-August, small particles of the comet Swift-Tuttle cross earth’s orbit. Back in our world, the small debris cometary bump into the molecules of the atmosphere. This shock, extremely violent, a product of light. Each debris turns into a ” shooting star “.

also Read Escape – The head in the stars

writing will advise you

PSG : destination champions League INFO THE POINT. League 1 : Mediapro has paid the LFP How to enjoy the spectacle of the Night of the stars Without noise, Daech resurfaces